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When one searches the Bible for a word, the word appears in red in a short chunk of text for every occurrence of the word. Thus it is easy to scan the Bible for some word. E.g, you can find all the references to faith in its contexts.


However, when I search a non-Bible text, like the Church Fathers; the program takes me only to the first mention of that word. The program tells me, e.g., that there are 425 hits on the word faith, but stops on the first one. The rest of the text of the entire document is below; all the hits on faith are not laid out for easy access. I can find no way to go down the document from hit to hit & easily see all the references to faith in the Church Fathers text.


I would be nice to have some way to see all the occurrences without hunting for needles in a haystack.


I suggest that there be some way to specifiy how much context with each hit and a way to move from hit to hit easily.

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By default the Bible text shows the hit verses, but you can add context to each verse using the slider.


By default the tools show the entire text, and you use the Mark buttons to go down to the next hit. However, they also have a Show pop-up menu with options other than All Text: Articles, Paragraphs, and Add Titles (which is the paragraphs along with the preceding Entry line). You can see this pop-up to the left of the Tools tab, clearly labeled below the Entry box.

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  • 9 months later...

I wish I understood that comment. I guess I need to study it & poke around with the program.

I don't know what "Mark buttons" means.

I don't know what the antecedent of the pronoun "they" is. Is it tools or buttons or a circumlocution for the passive voice or indefinite pronoun, like "They say that . . .,"

I'm not sure what "have" means? Is this the same usage as in "Do you have internet?"


I don't know what the antecedent of "which" is in the statement "which is the paragraphs"? Is the antecedent Titles? The titles is the paragraphs?

What is clearly labeled? The pop-up or the Tools tab?




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Enoch, you can set the amount shown with the Show: popup menu on the top right portion of the tool. If you want to just see the portions of the tool that have your hits, change the 'All Text' option to something like 'Paragraphs'.


Regardless if what that Show: menu states, you can also immediately navigate your results using the Mk arrows at the bottom of the tool.

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I wish I understood that comment. I guess I need to study it & poke around with the program.



In a tool, such as Church Fathers, you can use the 'show' drop down menu to control how much text is displayed. See here:



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Thanks for the help.

But I don't understand why you are addressing how much text is displayed or what that has to do with my search problem.

What I want is to search like for faith in the Church Fathers & get the same sort of display that you do when you search the Bible.

I think what you are saying is that the program can't do that presently, but I have to use "Mk arrows," by which you mean the 4 triangles at the left bottom, buttons that have Vs Ch Bk between them.


Am I correct that Accordance will not produce the same sort of concordance display for non-Bible texts that it does for the Bible?

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In a Bible if you search for faith it will show every verse that displays that word with no context for those verses (unless you use the context slider).


In a tool if you search for faith it defaults to showing 'all text' and will navigate to the first paragraph which contains a hit for that word.


By using the 'show' popup (or drop down as I called it) menu it restricts the amount of text displayed, which if set to paragraphs, will give you something similar to what is displayed in a Bible. You can use the arrows to navigate through the hits (or scroll), just as you would a Bible.




So, in a sense, no, you cannot display the exact type of results in a tool that you can in a Bible since they are inherently different (i.e. paragraphs in a tool are typically longer than verses in a Bible). But, you can come relatively close to it by using the 'show' popup menu.


Hope this helps to clarify things…

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This has helped me a bit with this, but the screenshots you are using are from the Mac version rather than the iOS version. My problem is that having searched for "faith" say in the Apostolic Fathers, I cannot tell which book any of the search results are from.

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This has helped me a bit with this, but the screenshots you are using are from the Mac version rather than the iOS version. My problem is that having searched for "faith" say in the Apostolic Fathers, I cannot tell which book any of the search results are from.

This has helped me a bit with this, but the screenshots you are using are from the Mac version rather than the iOS version. My problem is that having searched for "faith" say in the Apostolic Fathers, I cannot tell which book any of the search results are from.

In the current version of the iOS app, there really is no good way to know where you are in a tool module when viewing the search results. This will be improved in the next version by having the tool GoTo view highlight where you are in the tool module hierarchy.



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