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Hebrew and User Tools


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I have been trying to copy a document that I created in Mellel which has Hebrew fonts as well as English fonts into an Accordance User Tool. However, the Hebrew text automatically reverses once copied. I have tried various fonts including SBL and NewJerusalemU and Times New Roman but the text still automatically reverses. Am I missing something?

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No, you have uncovered a problem that we will try to tackle. If you copy just the Hebrew, and paste it into the Entry box for a Hebrew text, it converts back from Unicode correctly, and you can then paste it into the User Tool. But if you paste directly into the User Tool, the order of the Hebrew words is reversed, although each word shows correctly. This is a very difficult issue, and is due to the fact that the User Tool expects the right-to-left direction as the default for the text.


I checked, and it's not a new bug, so I am surprised that it has not been reported before.

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No, you have uncovered a problem that we will try to tackle. If you copy just the Hebrew, and paste it into the Entry box for a Hebrew text, it converts back from Unicode correctly, and you can then paste it into the User Tool. But if you paste directly into the User Tool, the order of the Hebrew words is reversed, although each word shows correctly. This is a very difficult issue, and is due to the fact that the User Tool expects the right-to-left direction as the default for the text.


I checked, and it's not a new bug, so I am surprised that it has not been reported before.

Thank you for your response Helen. I will wait to hear further from you.

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