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Update Syntax BHS-W4 not visible


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Strange, I cannot see the new syntax version. I have still the old version, dated on november 2010.

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Some people don't ever see the syntax in Check for Updates even though they have an earlier version. It's a problem with the way it was first flagged in settings.


Please try these steps:


You will need to remove these files:

User/Library/Preferences/Accordance preferences/Syntax

/Library/Application support/Accordance/Accordance preferences/Syntax

/Library/Application support/Accordance/Gloss Files/GNT-T.syntax and BHS-W4.syntax


Then you should be able to reinstall the syntax via Easy Install.


If this doesn't work, or if the problem recurs with the next update, repeat the above steps and also remove

/Library/Application support/Accordance/Accordance preferences/General


User/Library/Preferences/Accordance preferences/General


Then you can Easy Install the syntax, but you will need to recreate your General settings. If you put the old ones back, you may have the same problem next time. You don't lose all your settings, only a few general ones.


Remember that In Lion the user/Library folder is invisible, so to open it you will need to use the Go menu and press option in order to access that folder and its contents.


Also the folder named Accordance may be either in

/Library/Application Support/Accordance


user/Library/Application Support/Accordance

but it should not be in both.

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