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user tool text display

Ken Han

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I'd like to see a little bit more streamlined and consistent display of texts in the user tools.

I have set it so that my user tools DISPLAY with Avenir Next Regular 16. But inside the user tool EDIT window Avenir Next Regular is not available, so I edit using Helvetica 16. The problem is that if inside the edit widow I change the font size for editing, say from 16 to 14, inside the display window the displayed size of the text changes, even though command+T shows it is still set at Avenir Next Regular 16. If I then change the edit window font back to 16, then the font size of the display window grows larger, even though command+T still shows size 16. So I can have 2 user tools open side by side, both set to display in Avenir Next Regular 16, but one pane will have larger text and the other smaller. I can then manually adjust via the font size icon to bring the two user tools to display in equal size. But then command+T shows one tool still set to size 16, while the other now shows a different value, all the while displaying in same size!


This is probably nothing more than a little annoyance. Some annoyances, with time, ceases to annoy. But for some reason this one still bothers me after all these years.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, Ken. I'll go ahead and respond to this since you linked to it, and nobody responded earlier. To use the cliche: "This is a feature, not a bug!" What you are getting, as far as I can tell, is the flexibility offered in the User Tools. Basically, to determine how big a font will display in a User Tool, Accordance takes into account both the font size of the contents (What you set in the edit window), and the font size of the display (what you set in Command-T). So, in this case, when you set your user tool to display at size 16, that means that the document will scale its normal text size to 16. But, if you've set inside the edit window that certain parts of the document should be larger or smaller, they will scale larger or smaller as well. This way you can have appropriate sizing throughout the document (large fonts for titles, small fonts for footnotes, or however you want it) that will look and work just fine as you scale the document up and down.


So, when building your user tool, just remember the differences in font sizes. When you set it inside the display, thats adjusting the relative size between it and other font sizes used throughout your tool. But, when it comes to actually displaying it, you also have control there for how large it will display, as a whole.


I hope this makes sense and clarifies the confusion!

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