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Constant session saving


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Today I worked on Psalms. I searched psalms dealing with prayer. Made a hits graph. Saved a few verses from the hits list to the Reference list. (See attachment!)


Then I decided to reduce secondary row of commentary pane down, closer to the bottom. As I clicked on the horizontal dividing line to move it, I ended up clicking on the BibleReader app behind it. I wondered what happened. Pressed Command+Tab, but Accordance wasn't in the list. It had crashed instantly, even without any crash log. I checked both Library folders for crash logs and Console — really no crash logs left! In a split of a second Accordance has quit. Next time I opened Accordance, it had "brand new" window, without all my search results, hits lists, etc. (I've set it to open last session).



My question: could you please think about some sort of automatic saving? A-la iPad style? So that even if it crashes, I could reopen Accordance and continue my studies, without losing my search results and work? And Option+open to open to the default workspace, if it cannot open previous session after the crash.


Edited by Guntis
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