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Some thoughts on the user bible

Ken Han

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I've only just begun exploring the user bible feature, and my first impression is that it works best for people importing either an entire bible text or a large portion of it. When I tried to import just a small snippet that fell in the middle of a book, it would not let me, I think, for the reasons stated in the help file.


I think the user bible feature has a potentially huge value for me. I don't envision importing a lot of bible texts into Accordance, but I do translate whatever Hebrew or Greek passage I'm working on. And it would be great to easily turn that into a user bible that I can use alongside the bibles I've purchased. How about:


1. The user notes is already set up to mirror the structure of the bible book, chapter, and verse. I have a user note dedicated to translation. How about an automated way of turning user notes into a user Bible, and have Accordance update whatever revisions / additions I make to the user note in the user bible? This avoids rather cumbersome back and forth trip between Accordance and a text editor.


2. What if I could drag from a tagged text to a highlighted portion of my translation, and have the highilghted words inherit the lexical info? For example, dragging from (like how Xcode makes connections with control-drag) "bereshit" in BHS Gen 1:1 to "in the beginning" in my own translation would cause "in the beginning" to know about the Hebrew word behind the translation. Imagine the possibilities for interlinear studies, translation works, etc.


Thanks for reading.

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