Wisdom Commentary: Judges: Volume 7 / August 09, 2018

Prod ID: Wisdom-Judges / Pub. Liturgical Press / Author:
Price: $39.90

Requires Accordance 11.2 or above.

A Significant Milestone in the History of Feminism and the Study of Scripture.

A woman called blessed for killing a Canaanite general; another called “Mother in Israel” for leading troops into war; several other mothers absent when their children need them; a judge, Deborah, with a proper name and a recognized place for public counseling; a single woman, Delilah, who seduces and conquers Samson. The book of Judges features an outstanding number of women, named and unnamed, in family roles and also active in society, mostly objects of violent dealings between men. This volume looks not only at women in their traditional roles (daughter, wife, mother) but also at how society at large deals with women (and with men) in war, in strife, and sometimes in peace.

About the Series:
The Wisdom Commentary series is the first scholarly collaboration to offer detailed feminist interpretation of every book of the Bible. This new series aims to include the best of current feminist biblical scholarship available today.

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