Already invested in Bible Software but ready to switch?
For Anyone Switching: use code switchnow

Now is the time to switch to the best: Accordance Bible Software. And we’re going to make it easy for you. We want to help you with your first purchase using our special one-time Switcher discount of 20%. You can even choose to use this on your second order if your first is just a sampler which qualifies for a refund: Starter Collection or English, Greek, or Hebrew Special Starter. You won’t even have to give up your old software. Get the best in Accordance; and keep Brand X, sell it, give it away—whatever you decide.
All you need to do is enter the coupon code switchnow into your cart, make a note in the Comments that you own a specific software package and approximately how much you paid for it, and place your order. Our customer service staff will process your order and give you the best possible deal.
Check out the comments from users who made the switch two years ago.
BibleWorks users can take advantage of our special Crossover packages with huge discounts.
We were saddened to learn of the demise of the Wordsearch Bible Software platform. We had friends who worked at Wordsearch and had even collaborated with them on projects over the years. Wordsearch was truly one of the great Bible software companies, and they will be missed.
Although Wordsearch has been acquired by another software company, we’ve already had former Wordsearch customers contacting us to see if we can provide any kind of alternative path for them. The resounding answer is YES! We believe that Wordsearch users may find better continuity with Accordance rather than other platforms due to our similar Bible-centric philosophy and the intuitive use of our software. Moreover, although many Wordsearch titles are being carried over to the software’s buyer, some Wordsearch users may discover that the cost of upgrading to receive a full set of features, along with impending upgrade costs, is more than they want to spend.
Therefore, we would like to offer a “Wordsearch Welcome to Accordance” alternative path. We are offering a crossover collection for Wordsearch users that will allow you to start rebuilding your Library in Accordance. This collection is being sold at near-cost, because we recognize the burden of having to start over with building a new Bible software library. Moreover, with Accordance, you can use your new personal library in native apps on Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS.
Check out all the resources available to help you Get Started with Accordance.