Tag: Search All


Accordance to Keynote, Part 3

| David Lang

Last month, I began a series of posts on getting information from Accordance into a Keynote presentation. In part 1 of that series, I surveyed some of the resources I’ve been using most often in my development of a Keynote presentation for teaching Sunday School. Among the resources I highlighted were resources with lots of […]


Look for a Word in a Verse in Any Bible

| David Lang

The other day someone posted an interesting question on our user forums: How would I find in which version of the Bible is “endurance” used in Hebrews 12:1? In this age of multiple translations, this kind of question is becoming increasingly common. We may have heard a well-known verse in one translation growing up. Then […]


Tricking the Search All

| David Lang

In my previous post, I used Accordance to show that an internet meme claiming that the Bible has 365 occurrences of “Do not be afraid” is clearly mistaken. First I searched my default Bible using a series of OR commands to account for possible variations in the phrase. Then I used the Search All window […]


A "Do Not Be Afraid" for Every Day of the Year?

| David Lang

  Need a quick way to answer Bible questions all by yourself? Accordance is Bible study software that is fast, flexible, and fun to use. With Accordance, you can do word studies, access commentaries, even explore an interactive Atlas and Timeline. As you learn more about God’s Word, you can highlight, make your own notes, […]


Comparing a Verse in All Translations

| David Lang

In yesterday’s post, I examined the HCSB’s translation of Matthew 6:9. Instead of “Hallowed be thy name,” the HCSB has “Your name be honored as holy.” In that post, I looked at the underlying Greek and discussed how the traditional rendering, while good in its day, is now a bit misleading to modern readers. I […]


Finding the Pinnacle of the Temple

| David Lang

On Monday, I recounted a study of Psalm 91 I did with my family last week. During his temptation of Jesus, the devil quoted Psalm 91:11-12, so we also looked at the account of the temptation in Luke 4. There we discovered that the devil was using these verses to tempt Jesus to throw himself […]


Looking for Resolutions

| David Lang

As a new year begins, many people seek to improve themselves by making New Year’s resolutions. Some people see this practice as hopelessly legalistic, while others see it as a helpful spiritual discipline. Whatever your view, if you find yourself discussing the making and keeping of New Year’s resolutions, it can be interesting to cull […]


Group Activities

| David Lang

Yesterday I showed how easy it is to create a custom group of modules using the beefed up library search capabilities of Accordance 9.4. In today’s post, I want to show you a few things creating these groups enables you to do. Open every module in the group: Yesterday I created a group of every […]


Finding Relevant Commentaries

| David Lang

Accordance offers a lot of commentaries, and their number is growing all the time. Some commentaries cover a single book, some an entire testament or the whole Bible, and some an odd assortment of books. Series like Pillar, MacArthur, NIGTC, etc. are missing volumes that have not yet been published, and it’s hard to remember […]


Dining at the Table of Nations

| David Lang

The other day a user on our forums expressed a desire for a good map showing the distribution of nations described in Genesis 10. The Accordance Bible Atlas does not have a region layer showing what is commonly called the “Table of Nations” or “Family of Nations,” so he had two options: (1) create a […]

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