In the mid-90s, I first heard of Accordance when Dr. Roy Brown visited a church I was attending. We were introduced by our mutual friend, the late Dr. Arthur Farstad.

I really started using Accordance on a daily basis when I was working on the Holman Christian Standard Bible. Roy trained me to develop modules of the draft translation for use in developing the translation. During this project I realized the value and power in studying the Bible using Accordance, and I was hooked on it from that time forward.

James Davis and HCSB translation team

A portion of the members of the HCSB translation team. From left to right: Frances Mosher, Frank Carmical, Ed Blum, and James Davis.

I also used Accordance teaching seminary classes in Greek grammar. I was always amazed at the speed of the program and how fast I could do searches and look things up in class. Also, Accordance really projects well when teaching Hebrew and Greek lessons.

Over the years I have used the program in my ministry, personal study, and now am using it to develop graphical resources for the company. It is not an understatement to say that Accordance has revolutionized the way I study the Bible.

James F. Davis is the editor of Picture the New Testament: A PhotoCommentary as well as the Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide series.

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