Pastors describe how Accordance assists their sermon preparation and ministry.

Founding Pastor of
Grace Hills Church
Northern Arkansas
Brandon Cox
I’ve tried at least a dozen brands of Bible software and I always come back to Accordance. No other program compares on one particular feature that is a deal-breaker for me—the ability to see multiple translations, in parallel, and to save that workspace for regular use. It’s the best!
Editor of Rick Warren’s Hugely Popular

University Baptist Church
Houston, TX
Rev. Garet D. Robinson, PhD
I heartily recommend Accordance Bible Software to parishioners and budding pastor-theologians on a regular basis. This is the best program you can find for serious textual studies of the Bible and literature from antiquity.
Church of Christ
Zion, IL
David Padfield
I preach at Church of Christ in Zion, Illinois and use Accordance every single day… Right now about 25% of our members own Accordance, though most of them use it on their iPads. The ability to switch to different translations on the fly has impressed them. Of course, I keep telling them this is not even the tip of the iceberg of what Accordance can do!
Bethlehem College & Seminary
Minneapolis, MN
Brian Tabb
Note: Dr. Brian Tabb has given us permission to adapt a section of his Themelios review of the Accordance 10 Ultimate Collection. In this post, Dr. Tabb details how a pastor might use Accordance in sermon preparation.
Central Baptist Church of Riverton-Palmyra, New Jersey
Wes Allen
I love to study, learn, and grow. I feel fidgety when I don’t have a book to read and grow anxious when I can’t explore new avenues. This is one of the reasons I love Accordance so much!
Senior Pastor of Barabbas Road Church
San Diego, California
Matt Smith
Having used each of the various Bible software programs, I can confidently say that Accordance is–without a doubt–the fastest and most effective program for use in working with the original languages.
Redeeming Life Church
Salt Lake City, Utah
Bryan Catherman
I use Accordance to prepare for sermons and conduct research for papers. It’s also my source for devotional study and curious rabbit trails. I could do almost everything I do on Accordance with paper books (if I owned such a huge paper library), but it would take me much longer, it wouldn’t be as fun, and it would be a serious drag hauling so many books around in my trunk.
Lead Staff at Christian Student Fellowship
University of Kentucky
Derek King
I commonly get students coming to me and asking me questions about certain sections of scripture–Accordance is incredible in these situations. I can quickly access the best commentaries and dictionaries, as well as the original language. This is enormously helpful for the sometimes obscure questions students can ask about a given text.
Pastor, Writer, Editor, and Blogger at Words on the Word
Abram Kielsmeier-Jones
I use Accordance every week for sermon preparation and devotional Bible reading. Rare is the day that I don’t open the program on my Mac or the app on a mobile device. The customizability, speed, sophistication, and availability of resources for preachers are second to none.