November 2024:
NEW! BHQ: Fascicle 3 (Leviticus)
Regular Price: $94.90 | Buy Now
This edition is produced for serious students of the Hebrew Bible. It aims to provide them with a clear presentation of the surviving evidence of the text’s transmission that is relevant for translation and exegesis.
NEW! BHQ: Fascicle 16 (Job)
Regular Price: $94.90 | Buy Now
This edition is produced for serious students of the Hebrew Bible. It aims to provide them with a clear presentation of the surviving evidence of the text’s transmission that is relevant for translation and exegesis.
October 2024:
ESV Church History Study Bible Notes
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
The ESV Church History Study Bible is designed to help believers in all seasons of life understand the Bible with notes from over 300 of church history’s most prominent figures.
ESV Chronological Bible
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
This easy-to-read format combines various prophetic books, Psalms, and letters alongside Scripture’s historical accounts. Each era begins with an introduction, connecting the section to God’s redemptive narrative as a whole. What’s more, this freshly designed layout divides the entire Bible into 365 daily readings―each beginning with a summary and timeline―making it easy to study Scripture over the course of a year.
August 2024:
Across the Spectrum, 3rd Ed. (Boyd and Eddy)
Regular Price: $37.99 | Buy Now
This accessible yet comprehensive primer helps readers understand the breadth of viewpoints on major issues in evangelical theology, with chapters using the popular multiple-views format. This third edition of a well-received textbook (over 60,000 copies sold) has been updated and revised throughout. It examines positions taken by evangelical scholars on seventeen seminal issues. In addition, it offers end-of-chapter “For Further Reading” sections, an extensive glossary, and an appendix that addresses contrasting views on fifteen additional issues in contemporary evangelicalism.
The State of New Testament Studies (McKnight and Gupta)
Regular Price: $44.00 | Buy Now
This book surveys the current landscape of New Testament studies, offering readers a concise guide to contemporary discussions. Bringing together a diverse group of experts, it covers research on the most important issues in New Testament studies, including new discipline areas, making it an ideal supplemental textbook for a variety of courses on the New Testament.
Introducing Theological Method (Veeneman)
Regular Price: $25.00 | Buy Now
Sound theological method is a necessary prerequisite for good theological work. This accessible introduction surveys contemporary theological methodology by presenting leading thinkers of the 20th and 21st centuries as models. The book presents the strengths and weaknesses in each of the major options. Rather than favoring one specific position, it helps students of theology think critically so they can understand and develop their own theological method.
Theology and the Mirror of Scripture
Regular Price: $19.90 | Buy Now
Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture, edited by Daniel J. Treier and Kevin J. Vanhoozer, promotes evangelical contributions to systematic theology, seeking fresh understanding of Christian doctrine through creatively faithful engagement with Scripture in dialogue with church.
Kingdom Come (Storms)
Regular Price: $23.90 | Buy Now
In this important new book, Sam Storms provides a biblical rationale for amillennialism; the belief that 1,000 years mentioned in the book of Revelation is symbolic with the emphasis being the King and his Kingdom.
To Each Its Own Meaning, Revised and Expanded (McKenzie and Haynes)
Regular Price: $34.90 | Buy Now
This volume introduces the reader to the most important methods of biblical criticism. It serves as an indispensable handbook for the work of students approaching biblical studies for the first time and for the professional interpreter of scripture who wants to understand the latest currents in biblical scholarship.
Advances in the Study of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic (Noonan)
Regular Price: $38.99 | Buy Now
Advances in the Study of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic by Benjamin J. Noonan offers a much-needed introduction to the issues in the current world of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic scholarship. This book fills a gap in the field of Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic linguistics and provides an accessible, comprehensive, up-to-date, and linguistically-informed investigation of our understanding of these languages.
Advances in the Study of Greek (Campbell)
Regular Price: $34.99 | Buy Now
Advances in the Study of Greek provides an accessible introduction for students, pastors, professors, and commentators to understand the current issues of interest in this period of paradigm shift.
Approaching the Study of Theology (Thiselton)
Regular Price: $25.90 | Buy Now
From the opening pages of the Bible, we learn of God as one who communicates with humankind―offering us first steps toward knowledge of the divine, the very foothold of theology. On this basis, Approaching the Study of Theology presents an engaging introduction to the breadth and depth of the study of theology, mapping the significant landmarks as well as the main areas of debate.
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the OT: Daniel
Regular Price: $64.99 | Buy Now
The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament serves pastors and teachers by providing them with a careful analysis and interpretation of the biblical text, rooted in a study of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and intended to track the flow of the argument in each book and passage.
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the OT: Leviticus
Regular Price: $59.99 | Buy Now
The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament serves pastors and teachers by providing them with a careful analysis and interpretation of the biblical text, rooted in a study of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and intended to track the flow of the argument in each book and passage.
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the OT: Habakkuk
Regular Price: $39.99 | Buy Now
The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament serves pastors and teachers by providing them with a careful analysis and interpretation of the biblical text, rooted in a study of the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and intended to track the flow of the argument in each book and passage.
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the NT: Philippians
Regular Price: $39.99 | Buy Now
The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament is a modern commentary series designed to help pastors and Bible teachers understand the biblical text in its original environment. Each of the contributing evangelical scholars carefully consider factors such as grammatical detail, literary context, rhetorical flow, theological nuance, and historical setting in their interpretation.
June 2024:
W. E. Vine Commentary Bundle
Regular Price: $56.94 | Buy Now
This collection of commentaries by famed lexicographer, W. E. Vine, includes the following volumes:
W. E. Vine Theology Bundle
Regular Price: $40.95 | Buy Now
This collection of theological works by famed lexicographer, W. E. Vine, includes the following volumes:
Are We Living in the Last Days?
Regular Price: $22.99 | Buy Now
In this balanced look at four major views of the end times, bestselling author Bryan Chapell explains the primary ways Christians have interpreted biblical prophecy about the last days, not so that we might pick a hill to die on but so that we can cling to what unites us in Christ.
Elements of Biblical Exegesis
Regular Price: $29.99 | Buy Now
World-renowned scholar Michael Gorman presents a straightforward approach to the complex task of biblical exegesis. This third edition of Gorman’s widely used and trusted textbook (over 60,000 copies sold) has been thoroughly updated and revised to reflect developments in the academy and the classroom over the past decade.
May 2024:
LifeGuide: Busyness (Ryan)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Much of our busyness is necessary to our survival or to the wellbeing of others and ourselves. In the whirlwind of our lives, however, it may seem impossible to focus beyond the noise of daily demands. We long for a greater awareness of God with us. This eight-session LifeGuide®Bible Study explores ways of conversing with God in the midst of things, so we can see our day’s work as the joyful service of kneeling before Jesus.
LifeGuide: Hospitality (Pell)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In this nine session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Patty Pell you’ll discover the Old Testament call to hospitality as the distinguishing feature of those who are in relationship with God, the outward-focused expression of the grace and provision that one has received from God.
LifeGuide: Service (Stevens)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study includes ten sessions exploring service in a variety of contexts: family, the physical creation, society, the city, neighbors, relationships, the church and the workplace. Looking inside ministry specifically, R. Paul Stevens examines examples of service that were motivated by imagination, passion, faith, hope and love—from Genesis to Revelation.
LifeGuide: Money and Work (Nystrom)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Money and work: just the words themselves can cause anxiety. Mortgages, saving for retirement and bottom lines can easily overwhelm us to the point of despair. But God, who “gives us richly all things to enjoy,” wants his people to live in freedom, trusting him and learning to manage our gifts wisely and generously. By pointing to his trustworthiness and generosity, these ten-session LifeGuide® Bible studies can help you rest in the peace he offers.
LifeGuide: Grief (Maddams and Reapsome)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
A friend moves away. You get laid off. Cancer takes the life of a family member. We all experience grief and loss in some form. Whether you’re supporting a grieving friend or mourning a loss of your own, these nine-session LifeGuide® Bible from Psalms will help you express what you’re feeling and lead you to the arms of our compassionate God, who weeps with us, listens to our cries and understands our pain.
LifeGuide: The Cross
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Christian faith is centered in the cross. And the Christian life is likewise rooted in the cross. The studies in this guide, based on John Stott’s book The Cross of Christ, are designed to bring us to the heart of the cross with an understanding of what was accomplished there on our behalf.
LifeGuide: Seven Letters to Seven Churches
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
What if Jesus wrote a letter to your church? This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study helps us engage with the words of Jesus in the seven letters to the seven churches in Revelation.
LifeGuide: Songs from Scripture
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Throughout the Bible there are songs. Some are songs of celebration and hope while others express despair or humility and still others recount God’s redemption. “Songs lift our hearts and minds,” writes James Reapsome. “They powerfully convey truth poetically and musically. God commands us to love him totally and exclusively with the union of our emotion, intellect, and will. That’s why he included songs when he inspired the words of the Bible.”
LifeGuide: Story of Scripture
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
When it comes to knowledge of the Bible, many people know bits and pieces, favorite stories and characters, but they don’t know the story that is really one story in Scripture. Robbie Castleman will help you put the story of God and his people together so that you’ll know how all the parts and people fit, and the stories within the story will make more sense.
LifeGuide: The Jesus Paul Knew
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Many of us may have thought more about Paul’s foundational theology than about how Paul learned more about Jesus and what it meant to obey him in the everyday tests of his faith. This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study guide leads us through the growth in the apostle Paul’s knowledge of Jesus and how it changed his life, when at pivotal points he intersected with Jesus.
LifeGuide: The Risen Christ
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Jesus’ words from the cross are not Jesus’ last words on earth. After his resurrection from the dead, Jesus appeared to his fearful and questioning disciples, encouraged them, and gave them his final instructions. In this eight-session session LifeGuide® Bible Study, you will meet the risen Jesus Christ and hear his words. May he encourage your faith and excite you about engaging others in discussions about him.
LifeGuide: Women and Identity
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Written by experienced spiritual leaders Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and Tracey Bianchi, the nine sessions LifeGuide® Bible Study follow the biblical themes as well as the journeys of women showing the way to embracing God’s strength and wisdom to live whole lives.
LifeGuide: Resurrection
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Christ’s resurrection changed everything. What does it mean to live in the light of that glorious day? This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study explores the role of resurrection in our lives through a survey of both New and Old Testament passages. Discover your calling and identity as a child of the risen Lord.
LifeGuide: Grandparenting
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Written by grandparents and expert Bible study authors Phyllis and Andrew Le Peau, this LifeGuide Bible study explores the biblical framework for being a godly grandparent.
LifeGuide: Moses
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
As the one called by God to lead his people out of Egypt, Moses faced some significant challenges: a stubborn ruler, a fierce army, a vast desert to cross, a people prone to complaint and idolatry. But through it all, God was faithful to guide and provide for Moses as well as shape his character in powerful ways.
LifeGuide: Motherhood
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In these ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on biblical motherhood, student minister and mother Patty Pell helps you discover the truth about who you are, who God is and how he sees you. As you learn to rest in your identity as his beloved, you’ll be empowered to love your children with his love.
April 2024:
NICOT: The Book of Micah, by James D. Nogalski (2024)
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, based on Alister McGrath’s book I Believe, introduces us to the Apostles’ Creed and the essential truths about God the Father, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Christians indeed trust in God, and the basics of our faith have remained the same for centuries. These truths are summarized in historic church documents known as creeds. The Apostles’ Creed is an ideal starting point for this vital process of consolidating our grasp of the faith.
NICOT: The Books of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah, by James D. Nogalski (2023)
Regular Price: $45.90 | Buy Now
In the latest volume of the New International Commentary on the Old Testament, James D. Nogalski offers a new translation of and commentary on several of the Minor Prophets—the books of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah—that grapple with this theme in radically different ways. This volume includes a robust introduction for each book, delineating its textual transmission, historical context, literary form, and major themes.
LifeGuide: Apostles’ Creed (McGrath, Larsen, and Larsen)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, based on Alister McGrath’s book I Believe, introduces us to the Apostles’ Creed and the essential truths about God the Father, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Christians indeed trust in God, and the basics of our faith have remained the same for centuries. These truths are summarized in historic church documents known as creeds. The Apostles’ Creed is an ideal starting point for this vital process of consolidating our grasp of the faith.
LifeGuide: Questions God Asks (Larsen and Larsen)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This nine-session LifeGuide Bible study covers some of the surprising and interesting questions Old Testament characters heard from God, such as when he asked “Where are you?” of Adam and Eve. As we consider the questions God asked others, we are guided inward to reflect on the same questions in our own lives.
LifeGuide: Questions Jesus Asks (Larsen and Larsen)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Jesus invites us to inquire, reflect, and discuss. This nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study is designed to help us dig into some of the questions that shape our view of Jesus and ourselves.
LifeGuide: Good and Evil (Connelly)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Though we are often hurt, shocked and angered by the evil in our world, it doesn’t catch God off-guard. He cares about our suffering, he’s with us in the midst of our tragedies and sin, and he can even bring good out of the worst circumstances. God doesn’t give us all the answers about why we suffer, but these eight session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Douglas Connelly will help us trust him and his power more even in the midst of our pain.
LifeGuide: Good News (Kuhatschek)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This nine-session LifeGuide Bible study explores not only the question, “What must I do to be saved?” but also will help groups understand the meaning of the good news: that is, the incredibly broad scope of what God has done, is doing, and will do in the future to reconcile all things to himself through Jesus Christ.
LifeGuide: Listening to God (Nystrom)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Does God hear us? Does God speak? How can we connect with God when all seems to be lost? What is our role in listening? Through exploring both biblical characters and teaching, the ten studies in this LifeGuide® Bible Study helps us understand how to seek and find an ever deeper dialogue with God.
LifeGuide: Meeting Jesus (Ford)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In this thirteen session LifeGuide® Bible Study, evangelist Leighton Ford leads you through thirteen studies from the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) that will open your eyes anew—or for the first time—to Jesus Christ.
LifeGuide: Waiting for God
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
These eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Juanita Ryan help you draw near to God in times of uncertainty and postponement. As she leads you and your group through significant moments of waiting in Scripture, you will become familiar with the dynamics of such times and learn to hear God’s call to rest in his timing.
LifeGuide: Ruth (Larsen and Larsen)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study of Ruth we meet not only Ruth herself but also other significant players who populate the drama: Naomi, Elimelech, Mahlon, Kilion, Orpah and Boaz. In addition there are other unnamed characters: a kinsman, reapers, elders and neighbors. Like us, each of these characters in their own way needs the Redeemer who is foreshadowed here.
LifeGuide: 1 and 2 Kings (Nystrom)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Some chose to follow God. Others followed only fame and fortune. They lived through times of difficulty and times of triumph, through political and emotional turmoil, through popularity and through discontent. This ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study focuses on the character of the kings of the Old Testament and what we can learn from them.
LifeGuide: Ezekiel (Connelly)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, you will catch something of the awesomeness of God. You will see God in his transcendent glory like in no other part of the Bible. You will come away stunned—and changed—by God’s majesty.
LifeGuide: John, Part 1 and 2 (Connelly)
Regular Price: $23.80 | Buy Now
In two thirteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Studies on the gospel of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish—or renew—your faith in the One who offers true meaning, true belonging and true life.
LifeGuide: Acts, Part 1 and 2 (Le Peau)
Regular Price: $23.80 | Buy Now
Acts is the extraordinary record of what these early Christian disciples did. The power that you see in action in this book is the same power that can transform your life. As Phyllis J. Le Peau leads you through Acts in these two twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Studies, you will begin to understand what the Holy Spirit can do in you and in the world.
LifeGuide: Names of God (Connelly)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
God is called by many names in Scripture–names that highlight specific aspects of his character. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Doug Connelly, focused on eight titles for God from the Old Testament, invites you to know and experience the Lord Almighty in deeper ways. As you do so, you will come to trust him more fully and worship him with fresh awe and reverence.
LifeGuide: Paul—His Life and Teaching (Kuhatschek)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
The apostle Paul led a dramatic and fascinating life from his conversion on the road to Damascus to his imprisonments to his speeches in the public square. His letters shaped the believers in the early church just as they do today. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Jack Kuhatschek we will survey both the highlights of his life and the core teachings in his writings.
LifeGuide: Study and Meditation (Johnson)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
The way we approach the Bible affects our interaction with God. Learning to immerse ourselves in God’s thoughts through study and meditation allows us to go deeper into God’s Word and live in a more Christlike way. This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study from Jan Johnson helps us do just that.
LifeGuide: Christian Leadership (Stott)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by John Stott is based on his book Basic Christian Leadership and covers the first four chapters of 1 Corinthians, in which Paul responds to a complex church situation and to questions the Corinthians have addressed to him. He does so with clarity, wisdom, humility, love and gentleness—qualities that we can learn from as leaders today.
LifeGuide: Heroes of Faith (Connelly)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the heroes of faith from Hebrews will encourage you, inspire you and help deepen your own trust in our great God who still keeps all his promises, so that you might live out your faith in radical ways today.
Paul’s Theology of Preaching (Litfin)
Regular Price: $43.90 | Buy Now
When Paul preached about the crucified and risen Jesus Christ to the church at Corinth and elsewhere, did he follow the well-established rhetorical strategy of his day or did he pursue a different path? And what does that mean for the preaching of the church today?
A Little Handbook for Preachers
Regular Price: $21.90 | Buy Now
No function of the pastor is as visible and stress inducing as preaching. Being a good preacher requires learning the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical skills needed to effectively share God’s word with a congregation.
LifeGuide: The Messiah (Connelly)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Perfect for Advent or Lent, this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study guide explores some of the key passages in the Old Testament about the Messiah and their completion in the life and saving work of Jesus. These passages have had a profound effect on the imagination and worship of Christians for two thousand years, leading George Frederic Handel to write one of the greatest expressions of worship and adoration—his oratorio, the Messiah.
LifeGuide: Following Jesus (Connelly)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, as well as a “Now or Later” section following each session to help you act on what you learn.
LifeGuide: Depending on Jesus (Larsen and Larsen)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, you’ll explore instances of biblical people learning that they could rely on Christ to see them through, even when all other avenues of help failed. They encountered every kind of obstacle: hostility, loneliness, injustice, failure, and other seemingly impossible difficulties. Just as they discovered that Christ is sufficient for any and all circumstances, you will be encouraged to discover the same.
LifeGuide: Depending on Jesus (Larsen and Larsen)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, you’ll explore instances of biblical people learning that they could rely on Christ to see them through, even when all other avenues of help failed. They encountered every kind of obstacle: hostility, loneliness, injustice, failure, and other seemingly impossible difficulties. Just as they discovered that Christ is sufficient for any and all circumstances, you will be encouraged to discover the same.
LifeGuide: Advent of the Savior (Bunch)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study will introduce you to the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, remind you of God’s faithfulness and power to fulfill his promises, and draw you more deeply into the love that brought Christ to earth.
LifeGuide: Abiding in Christ (Packer and Nystrom)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, trusted guides J. I. Packer and Carolyn Nystrom lead you through a study of Jesus’ farewell to his disciples in John 14-17 to help you discover what it means to abide in Christ during the time between Christ’s departure and his second coming.
Old Testament Wisdom Literature (Bartholomew and O’Dowd)
Regular Price: $37.90 | Buy Now
The books of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes are rooted in the order created by the one true God. Their steady gaze penetrates to the very nature of created reality and leads us toward peace and human flourishing.
Old Testament Theology (House)
Regular Price: $49.90 | Buy Now
The discipline of Old Testament theology continues to be in flux as diverse approaches vie for dominance. Paul House serves as our guide―without being partisan or uninformed―exploring each Old Testament book, summarizing its content and showing its theological significance within the whole of the Old Testament canon.
LifeGuide: Images of Christians (Weimer)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Scripture offers various metaphors and motifs for God’s people: sheep, salt and light, branches, clay jars, friends, disciples, and more. This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study explores some of the images that can form and shape our life with God.
LifeGuide: Distorted Images of Self (Ryan and Ryan)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
This eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Dale and Juanita Ryan is designed to help us take a transforming look at some key aspects of our self-image under the clear reflection of God’s love.
LifeGuide: Distorted Images of God (Ryan and Ryan)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
Written with compassion and conviction, this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study brings to light our distorted thinking and points us to the truth of who God is—the great healer who knows us intimately and pursues us with love.
LifeGuide: Prayers of the New Testament (Baab)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
In these eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study from Lynne M. Baab you’ll find new words and new ways to pray through the prayers of Mary, Simeon and Anna, Peter, Paul, John and Jesus himself. Their words and patterns can serve as rich models for us in our own conversations with God.
LifeGuide: Prayers of the Old Testament (Baab)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
These eight-session LifeGuide® Bible Study from Lynne M. Baab, based on prayers from seven Old Testament books, invite you to meet our mighty, loving God in fresh ways, bringing all of who you are to him.
La persona de Cristo (Macleod)
Regular Price: $18.90 | Buy Now
La Persona de Cristo es una vía de acceso valiosa al amplio panorama de cuestiones que han conformado las confesiones ortodoxas de Cristo a lo largo de los siglos. El camino de la revelación de la tradición cristiana está bien señalizado, detectando cuidadosamente los peligros antiguos y modernos.
La doctrina de Dios (Bray)
Regular Price: $17.90 | Buy Now
Dios no se ha revelado en esencia, pero se ha dado a conocer en las tres Personas de la trinidad – Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo. Siguiendo el camino iniciado por los Reformadores protestantes, se afirma que conocer a una de las tres Personas es conocer también a las otras dos.
La obra de Cristo (Letham)
Regular Price: $17.90 | Buy Now
En La obra de Cristo, Robert Letham elabora su exposición en torno al triple oficio de Cristo como profeta, sacerdote y rey. Dentro de este marco, explora los temas de Cristo y la obra de Dios, la naturaleza y las teorías de la expiación, y las dimensiones cósmicas y colectivas del señorío mediador de Cristo.
El Espíritu Santo (Ferguson)
Regular Price: $17.90 | Buy Now
El Espíritu Santo, una vez olvidado, se ha “vuelto a descubrir” en el siglo XXI, ¿o no? Sinclair Ferguson cree que deberíamos frasear de nuevo esta afirmación común: “Aunque su obra se ha reconocido, el Espíritu mismo sigue siendo hoy un aspecto anónimo y sin rostro del ser divino para muchos cristianos”.
Faith in the Face of Danger: An Intro to Nehemiah
Regular Price: $9.90 | Buy Now
Providing an overview of the Nehemiah story, this book explains the critical importance of choosing God’s priorities and truly hearing and responding to God’s word. It tackles essential themes for Christian living, including how we can know God’s protection under pressure, how we can build Christian community, and how we must live by God’s standards.
From Why to Worship: An Intro to Habakkuk
Regular Price: $9.90 | Buy Now
From Why to Worship is structured with sections and subsections that provide a clear set of preaching units that will serve preachers in building a sermon series but this is also an ideal book for individual or group use with questions, discussion points, ideas for action and further study suggestions.
Godliness from Head to Toe: An Intro to James
Regular Price: $9.90 | Buy Now
Covering a wide range of practical challenges—whether trial and temptation, or poverty and riches, or our use of words, or our patience in suffering, or our struggle with the world, the flesh and the devil—James helps us become wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ.
La fuerza del amor (Heidi Baker)
Regular Price: $9.90 | Buy Now
Heidi Baker, en La fuerza del amor, le brinda un vistazo de la dependencia total y de la auténtica comunidad cristiana con un novedoso enfoque en las Bienaventuranzas.
Vive Antes de Morir (Daniel Kolenda)
Regular Price: $11.90 | Buy Now
El Dios eterno, omnipotente y omnisciente te creó con sus propias manos. Incluso, antes de que nacieras, ¡ya tenía un sueño para tu vida! Pero a veces es difícil saber cuál es ese sueño o cómo ir tras él.
Diccionario Conciso Griego-Español del Nuevo Testamento (GBS)
Regular Price: $49.90 | Buy Now
Preparado por Elsa Támez en colaboración con Irene Foulkes, se trata este de un diccionario conciso diseñado para ser utilizado conjuntamente con el Greek New Testament y el Novum Testamentum Graece de Nestle-Aland.
Praying Through the Psalms (Katanacho)
Regular Price: $17.90 | Buy Now
This collection of 150 beautiful and unique prayers, inspired by each of the Psalms and birthed in the same land as Jesus, will help you grow in under- standing the struggles of Christians in the Middle East, and deepen your love for God.
Couple Therapy (Ripley and Worthington Jr.)
Regular Price: $49.90 | Buy Now
Following the successful Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling, Jennifer Ripley and Everett Worthington Jr. have written a new book that expands upon their previous theoretical approach while describing in detail new practical interventions for couple counseling and enrichment.
Hope-Focused Marriage Counseling (Worthington Jr.)
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
Everett L. Worthington, Jr. offers a comprehensive manual for assisting couples over common rough spots and through serious problems in a manner that is compassionate, effective and brief. His hope-focused (rather than problem-focused) approach enables couples to see that change is possible and gives them a new outlook on the future.
Contemplation and Counseling (Blanton)
Regular Price: $23.90 | Buy Now
Interest in mindfulness and contemplative thought is growing among Christians, and it’s time to consider the place of contemplative prayer within the field of counseling. Can contemplative prayer be integrated into therapeutic work? Can it in fact serve as a foundation on which to build a new approach to counseling?
Word Biblical Commentary: 1&2 Thessalonians (2nd Edition)
Regular Price: $47.99 | Buy Now
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology.
Esquema de la Biblia
Regular Price: $9.90 | Buy Now
Bosquejos literarios de cada libro de la Biblia.
March 2024:
Knowing the Bible Series Bundle (45 Volumes)
Regular Price: $199 | Buy Now
With contributions from an array of influential pastors and church leaders, these gospel-centered studies will help Christians see and cherish the message of God’s grace on every page of the Bible.
Introduction to World Christian History (Cooper)
Regular Price: $21.90 | Buy Now
Today, people are increasingly aware that Christianity extends far beyond Europe and North America, permeating the Eastern and Southern hemispheres. What we may know less well is that Christianity has always been a global faith.
Reading Mark’s Christology Under Caesar (Winn)
Regular Price: $24.90 | Buy Now
Winn considers how Mark might have been read by Christians in Rome in the aftermath of the fall of Jerusalem. He introduces us to the propaganda of the Flavian emperors and excavates the Markan text for themes that address the Roman imperial setting. We discover an intriguing first-century response to the question “Christ or Caesar?”
New Testament Christological Hymns (Gordley)
Regular Price: $29.90 | Buy Now
New Testament Christological Hymns reopens an important line of investigation that will serve a new generation of students of the New Testament.
The Earliest Christologies (Papandrea)
Regular Price: $17.90 | Buy Now
In this clear and concise introduction, James Papandrea sets out five of the principal images of Christ that dominated belief and debate in the postapostolic age. While beliefs on the ground were likely more tangled and less defined than we can know, Papandrea helps us see how Logos Christology was forged as the beginning of the church’s orthodox confession.
A Little Book for New Philosophers
Regular Price: $13.90 | Buy Now
Often called “theology’s handmaid,” philosophy has sometimes suffered from an inferiority complex in the church. Many Christians see little point in it at all. But as Paul Copan contends, it is possible to affirm theology’s preeminence without diminishing the value and contribution of philosophy.
A Little Book for New Historians
Regular Price: $13.90 | Buy Now
Many people think of history as merely “the past”—or at most, information about the past. But the real work of a historian is to listen to the voices of those who have gone before and humbly remember the flesh and blood on the other side of the evidence. What is their story? How does it become part of our own?
A Little Book for New Scientists
Regular Price: $13.90 | Buy Now
Many young Christians interested in the sciences have felt torn between two options: remaining faithful to Christ or studying science. Heated debates over the past century have created the impression that we have to choose between one or the other. The result has been a crisis of faith for many students.
A Little Book for New Bible Scholars
Regular Price: $13.90 | Buy Now
In A Little Book for New Bible Scholars, Randolph Richards and Joseph Dodson encourage young students of the Bible to add substance to their zeal―the kind of substance that comes from the sweat and toil of hard study.
Evangelical Dictionary of World Religions (House)
Regular Price: $9.99 | Buy Now
With all of the different religions, sects, denominations, and belief systems out there, it can be difficult to separate fact from mere opinion, especially if we are relying solely on online sources that often have an ideological or political slant. How can we truly understand if we cannot even be sure we are getting the facts straight?
Peoples of the Old Testament World
Regular Price: $38.00 | Buy Now
The ancient Israelites lived among many nations, and knowing about the people and culture of these nations can enhance understanding of the Old Testament. Peoples of the Old Testament World, now in paperback, provides up-to-date descriptions of the people groups who interacted with and influenced ancient Israel.
Seven Days that Divide the World
Regular Price: $14.99 | Buy Now
With this book, Lennox offers a careful and accessible introduction to a scientifically-savvy, theologically-astute, and Scripturally faithful interpretation of Genesis.
Handbook of Contemporary Theology (Smith)
Regular Price: $38.00 | Buy Now
This introduction to contemporary theology looks at the origin and history of each movement, their major figures, and doctrinal emphases. The author evaluates the teachings and practices of each system in light of biblical Christianity.
Living Fearless (Winship)
Regular Price: $16.99 | Buy Now
Jamie Winship spent nearly 30 years living and working in conflict zones, and during that time he has learned an important truth: all human conflict originates from fear, and fear originates from a false view of God, ourselves, and others. Until we exchange what’s false for what’s real, we will never experience being fully alive, fully human, and fully free.
The Worlds of the Preacher
Regular Price: $27.00 | Buy Now
Building on Haddon Robinson’s philosophical approach to preaching, this book brings together accomplished evangelical preachers and teachers to help students and pastors understand the worlds–biblical, cultural, and personal–that influence and impact their preaching.
Using New Testament Greek in Ministry (Black
Regular Price: $21.00 | Buy Now
Here are all the tools pastors and teachers need to mine the Greek text and other language resources for the enhancement of personal study and sermon content.
Confronting Old Testament Controversies (Longman)
Regular Price: $19.99 | Buy Now
For many people, skeptics and believers alike, the Old Testament is rife with controversial passages and events that make both belief and sharing our beliefs with others difficult. Often our solutions have tended toward the extremes–ignore problem passages and pretend they don’t matter or obsess over them and treat them as though they are the only thing that matters.
February 2024:
Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (4 vols.)
Regular Price: $399 | Buy Now
In a four volume set, complete with index, the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics offers a systematic and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of the history and study of the Hebrew language from its earliest attested form to the present day.
Faith and Fossils (Grabbe)
Regular Price: $19.90 | Buy Now
Many books have been written on the Bible and evolution by scientists, but this volume is written by a biblical specialist. In Faith and Fossils Lester Grabbe, a prominent Hebrew Bible scholar, examines the Bible in its ancient context and explores its meaning in light of emerging scientific evidence.
Eschatology (McDowell and Kirkland)
Regular Price: $24.90 | Buy Now
Many books have been written on the Bible and evolution by scientists, but this volume is written by a biblical specialist. In Faith and Fossils Lester Grabbe, a prominent Hebrew Bible scholar, examines the Bible in its ancient context and explores its meaning in light of emerging scientific evidence.
Sleuthing the Bible (Kaltner and McKenzie)
Regular Price: $17.90 | Buy Now
John Kaltner and Steven L. McKenzie introduce the art of sleuthing the Bible, providing the necessary training to hunt for clues and piece them together to understand the larger picture. Sleuthing the Bible helps answer questions that occur during thoughtful examination of the Bible and provides exercises enabling readers to work through biblical passages on their own.
Between the Beginning and the End (J. H. Bavinck)
Regular Price: $16.90 | Buy Now
Twentieth-century Dutch missiologist and prolific author J. H. Bavinck was committed to confronting the world with the saving message of Christ. In this first English translation of the Dutch work published in 1946, Bavinck presents a cosmic kingdom vision and champions the coming of the kingdom of Christ as the basic message of the gospel.
The Violence of the Biblical God (Hawk)
Regular Price: $34.90 | Buy Now
The Violence of the Biblical God by L. Daniel Hawk presents a new framework, solidly rooted in the authority of Scripture, for understanding the paradox of God’s participation in violence. Hawk shows how the historical narrative of the Bible offers multiple canonical pictures for faithful Christian engagement with the violent systems of the world.
Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament (Beale, et al.)
Regular Price: $64.99 | Buy Now
This definitive resource covers a range of interpretive topics and includes summary articles on each biblical book and numerous themes. It also unpacks concepts mentioned in the CNTUOT, demonstrates how the Old Testament uses the Old Testament, and addresses a wide range of biblical-theological, hermeneutical, and exegetical topics.
January 2024:
Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms (2nd ed.)
Regular Price: $39.99 | Buy Now
In this revised and expanded version of his popular introductory guide, Richard A. Muller provides clear and concise definitions of Latin and Greek terms for students at a variety of levels.
December 2023:
Inductive Bible Study (Bauer and Traina)
Regular Price: $37.99 | Buy Now
For half a century, Robert Traina’s method of inductive Bible study has taught students the most important critical-thinking skill of all: how to read! Now David Bauer adds to the collaborative mix his own formidable strengths. This volume lays an essential foundation for critical analysis and careful exegesis.
Do We Need the New Testament? (Goldingay)
Regular Price: $25.90 | Buy Now
In this cheerfully provocative yet probingly serious book, John Goldingay sets the question and views it from a variety of angles. Under his expert hand, each facet unfolds the surprising richness of the Old Testament and challenges us to recalibrate our perspective on it.
On the Reliability of the Old Testament by K. A. Kitchen
Regular Price: $37.90 | Buy Now
Enhanced with numerous tables, figures, and maps, On the Reliability of the Old Testament is a must-read for anyone interested in the question of biblical truth.
Pastoral Rule for Today
Regular Price: $24.90 | Buy Now
This book, coauthored by three experts with decades of practical experience, explains how relying on a pastoral rule has benefited communities throughout the church’s history and how such rules have functioned in the lives and work of figures such as Augustine, Calvin, Wesley, and Bonhoeffer.
Who Needs Theology?
Regular Price: $21.90 | Buy Now
To many Christians theology is something alien, overly intellectual and wholly unappealing. Even seminary students are known to balk at the prospect of a course on theology. Yet theology–most simply, the knowledge of God–is essential to the life and health of the church.
Prayers of the Middle Ages
Regular Price: $9.90 | Buy Now
A collection of prayers from the Middle Ages.
Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era
Regular Price: $34.90 | Buy Now
In The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era James Jeffers provides an informative and scenic tour of daily life during the time of Jesus and the apostles. He affords “you-are-there” glimpses of everything from legal codes to dinner foods, from social hierarchy to apartment living, from education to family dynamics.
Proverbs: A Shorter Commentary (Waltke and De Silva)
Regular Price: $36.90 | Buy Now
At its heart, this shorter commentary on Proverbs preserves the exegetical depth, erudition, and poetic insight of Waltke’s original and maintains the core conviction that the ancient wisdom of Proverbs holds profound, ongoing relevance for Christian faith and life today.
Literal Standard Version
Regular Price: $5.99 | Buy Now
A modern, literal, word-for-word (formal equivalence) English translation of the Holy Scriptures utilizing English word rearrangement when necessitated for readability. The LSV is the most literal translation of The Holy Bible, with significant improvement over previous literal translations, including Robert Young’s excellent Young’s Literal Translation.
Russian Synodal Bible
Regular Price: $19.90 | Buy Now
The Russian Synodal Bible was first published in 1876 and is widely used by all churches in Russia.
German Leonberger Bibel with GK Numbers and Phrase Tagging
Regular Price: $19.90 | Buy Now
The Leonberger Bibel is a new German translation for everyone wanting to work with the original texts but lacking the time or skill to do so. The translation closely follows, and aligns with, the Greek text of Nestle-Aland in its latest revision while remaining readable and accessible.
German Schlachter 1951 with Strong’s
Regular Price: FREE | Buy Now
Die Heilige Schrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments
November 2023:
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (3 vols.)
Regular Price: $679 | Buy Now
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (EAGLL) brings together the latest research from across a range of disciplines contributing to our knowledge of Ancient Greek.
Israel’s Scriptures in Early Christian Writings
Regular Price: $69.90 | Buy Now
Comprehensive and foundational, Israel’s Scriptures in Early Christian Writings will serve as an essential resource for biblical scholars for years to come.
Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
A Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism presents eighteen commissioned articles on biblical exegesis in early Judaism, covering the period after the Hebrew Bible was written and before the beginning of rabbinic Judaism.
What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About is gospel-centered, portraying the Old Testament as the foundation for a fulfillment found in the New Testament.
An Interpretive Lexicon of New Testament Greek (Beale, Brendsel, Ross)
Regular Price: $15.99 | Buy Now
This Lexicon has a very specific and important purpose: to make the process of New Testament interpretation easier and more accurate by providing a comprehensive yet concise interpretation of Greek words that determine logical relationships between statements or clauses.
Greek for the Rest of Us, 3rd Edition (Mounce)
Regular Price: $25.99 | Buy Now
This newly revised third edition of Greek for the Rest of Us by Greek instructor William Mounce is a crash-course that acquaints the reader with the essentials of the language so they can study the New Testament more deeply.
Greek for the Rest of Us Workbook, 3rd Edition (Mounce)
Regular Price: $16.99 | Buy Now
This workbook provides exercises to help readers practice and review, so they learn the essentials of biblical Greek more effectively and can study the New Testament more deeply.
October 2023:
Reformation Commentary on Scripture: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs
Regular Price: $60.00 | Buy Now
The Reformation Commentary on Scripture provides a crucial link between the contemporary church and the great cloud of witnesses that is the historical church.
Pillar NTC Hebrews (Grindheim)
Regular Price: $59.90 | Buy Now
A compelling exhortation to hold true to the faith in the face of adversity. A sermon rife with iconic imagery and Old Testament allusions. A signal work of theology in the New Testament.
Pillar NTC Ephesians (Campbell)
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
Aimed at students and scholars of the Pauline letters, Campbell’s commentary carefully explains each verse of Ephesians with attention to historical and linguistic context. Yet the commentary prioritizes imminent theological concerns and remains accessible to any serious reader of the New Testament.
September 2023:
Life and Teachings of Christ—Synoptic Gospels: Student Manual
Regular Price: $29.95 | Buy Now
This course explores Matthew, Mark, and Luke—the Synoptic Gospels. It covers the background, purposes, and geography of the Gospels. Throughout this verse by verse approach we emphasize the context of Christ’s teachings and miracles.
Marriage and Family: Student Manual
Regular Price: $29.95 | Buy Now
This is a practical survey of marriage and family, from dating to being a grandparent. We explore: ways to choose a mate, guidelines for the engagement and wedding, communication principles, sexual fulfillment, making decisions, how to be a good spouse and parent, tough issues, and the final years.
Matrimonio y Familia: Manual Estudiante
Regular Price: $29.95 | Buy Now
Si usted puede hacer todo lo que está en esta lista, quiere decir que no necesita estudiar este curso. De lo contrario, ¡nosotros le podemos ayudar!
How the Bible is Written (Rendsburg)
Regular Price: $59.95 | Buy Now
This book focuses on the nexus between language and literature in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, with specific attention to how the former is used to create the latter; topics include wordplay, wordplay with proper names, alliteration, repetition with variation, dialect representation, intentionally confused language, marking closure, and more.
The Reese Chronological Study Bible
Regular Price: $9.99 | Buy Now
With over 200,000 copies sold, the Reese Chronological Bible is the trusted text for those reading through the King James Version in historical order. Now this classic Bible has a fully redesigned two-color interior packed full of in-depth study materials.
Life Principles Bible Notes (Charles Stanley)
Regular Price: $19.99 | Buy Now
The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible, with over a million sold to date, is designed to lead believers into a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and to help them experience the Good News about God’s mighty kindness and love.
August 2023:
Fundamentals of New Testament Greek (Porter, Reed & O’Donnell): Grammar & Workbook
Regular Price: $39.90 | Buy Now
“We know that this book works and will take students to a level not often achieved through other beginning textbooks.” So say Stanley Porter and his coauthors in the preface to their Fundamentals of New Testament Greek — an ambitious, comprehensive introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.
July 2023:
UPDATED VOLUME! NICOT: The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah, by Hannah K. Harrington (2022)
Regular Price: $52.00 | Buy Now
Throughout this commentary, Harrington combines analytical research on the language and culture behind the books of Ezra and Nehemiah with challenging thoughts for the Christian church today, bringing to bear a unique perspective on these books not as the end of Old Testament history but as early documents of the Second Temple period.
UPDATED VOLUME! NICOT: The Book of Deuteronomy, Chapters 1-11, by Bill T. Arnold (2022)
Regular Price: $60.00 | Buy Now
Arnold provides an original translation of the first eleven chapters of Deuteronomy along with verse-by-verse commentary (with the translation and commentary of the remaining chapters following in a second volume). As with the other entries in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament, Arnold remains rooted in the book’s historical context while focusing on its meaning and use as Christian Scripture today.
UPDATED VOLUME! NICOT: The Book of Numbers (2nd ed.), by Timothy Ashley (2022)
Regular Price: $60.00 | Buy Now
The book of Numbers tells a story with two main characters—God and Israel. The way the story is told sounds odd and often harsh to readers today. The main point of the book is nevertheless of immense importance for God’s people in any age: exact obedience to God is crucial.
UPDATED VOLUME! NICOT: The Book of Ruth, by Peter H. W. Lau (2023)
Regular Price: $48.00 | Buy Now
In the latest entry in the New International Commentary on the Old Testament, Lau upholds the series’ standard of quality. The Book of Ruth includes detailed notes on the translation and pays careful attention to the original Hebrew and the book’s historical context, all the while remaining focused on Ruth’s relevance to Christian readers today.
40 Questions Series Release 2 (4 Volumes)
Regular Price: $89.99 | Buy Now
The 40 Questions Series from Kregel sets out to answer common and difficult questions on a range of specific topics. Each volume provides concise and relevant answers to a series of 40 questions.
Prayers of the Early Church
Regular Price: $9.99 | Buy Now
A collection of prayers from the first five centuries of the Christian church.
June 2023:
Reading the Bible with John Stott (6 Volumes)
Regular Price: $89.99 | Buy Now
John Stott is one of the most beloved and masterful Bible teachers of the last fifty years. His books have sold in the millions. Christians on every continent have heard and read John Stott’s exposition of Scripture that was at once instructive and inspiring.
Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament (Greer, Hilber, and Walton)
Regular Price: $52.99| Buy Now
This authoritative volume brings together a team of world-class scholars to cover the full range of Old Testament backgrounds studies in a concise, up-to-date, and comprehensive manner. With expertise in various subdisciplines of Old Testament backgrounds, the authors illuminate the cultural, social, and historical contexts of the world behind the Old Testament.
To My Younger Brethren (Moule)
Regular Price: $9.99| Buy Now
Handley C. G. Moule was an evangelical Anglican theologian, writer, poet, and Bishop of Durham from 1901 to 1920.
Book-by-Book Guide to Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary
Regular Price: $15.90 | Buy Now
A Book-by-Book Guide to Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary is intended to help students, pastors, and professors who wish to read a particular book of the Hebrew Bible in its original language to master the vocabulary that occurs most frequently in the book in question.
Book-by-Book Guide to Septuagint Greek Vocabulary
Regular Price: $15.90 | Buy Now
This book-by-book vocabulary guide provides an unparalleled resource for anyone interested in more effective reading and study of the Old Testament in Greek, commonly called the Septuagint.
Book-by-Book Guide to New Testament Greek Vocabulary
Regular Price: $18.90 | Buy Now
A Book-by-Book Guide to New Testament Greek Vocabulary is intended to help students, pastors, and professors who wish to read a particular book of the Bible in its original language to master the vocabulary that occurs most frequently in the book in question.
Book-by-Book Guides to Biblical Vocabulary
Regular Price: $45.90 | Buy Now
The Book-by-Book Guides to New Testament Greek Vocabulary, Biblical Hebrew Vocabulary, and Septuagint Vocabulary help students, pastors, and professors who wish to read a particular book of the Bible in its original language to master the vocabulary that occurs most frequently in the book in question.
Interpreting Israel’s Scriptures (Richelle)
Regular Price: $36.90 | Buy Now
Many readers find exegeting a passage from the Old Testament to be a mysterious process. How should one begin? What methods should one use? Written in a pragmatic style, Interpreting Israel’s Scriptures guides the reader by offering concrete methods for exegesis that are illustrated by numerous examples and accompanied by well-chosen references to secondary sources.
May 2023:
Early Jewish Literature: An Anthology (Embry et al.)
Regular Price: $82.99 | Buy Now
Early Jewish Literature: An Anthology offers more than seventy selections from Second Temple-era Jewish literature, each introduced and translated by a leading scholar in the field.
Nouvelle Francais Courant (NFC) avec notes
Regular Price: $14.90 | Buy Now
La Bible en français courant est une des Bibles en français les plus répandues. Elle est diffusée dans tous les milieux confessionnels, en milieu scolaire, et dans les pays francophones de tous les continents ! C’est encore cette version qui est utilisée dans la Bible des jeunes ZeBible, ainsi que dans La Bible Expliquée.
Dictionnaire grec-français du NT (Barclay Newman)
Regular Price: $14.90 | Buy Now
Le dictionnaire propose des traductions en français de tout le vocabulaire du Nouveau Testament grec Nestle–Aland, 28e édition (2012) et celui des variantes textuelles présentes dans le texte « majoritaire » byzantin, la version en usage dans l’Église orthodoxe.
April 2023:
The Moody Handbook of Theology (Enns)
Regular Price: $35.99 | Buy Now
Theology, once the domain of academicians and learned pastors, is now accessible to anyone interested in understanding the essentials of what Christians believe. The Moody Handbook of Theology is a concise doctrinal reference tool for newcomers and seasoned veterans alike.
Bible Workbook, Volume 1: Old Testament (Walker)
Regular Price: $9.99 | Buy Now
Don’t waste time explaining the basic details of every story while you’re teaching. Have your students learn them through the Bible Workbooks. The Workbooks are full of exercises, questions, and maps that ensure students have the fundamentals down before you teach.
Bible Workbook, Volume 2: New Testament (Walker)
Regular Price: $9.99 | Buy Now
Don’t waste time explaining the basic details of every story while you’re teaching. Have your students learn them through the Bible Workbooks. The Workbooks are full of exercises, questions, and maps that ensure students have the fundamentals down before you teach.
Survey of Bible Doctrine (Ryrie)
Regular Price: $14.99 | Buy Now
Dr. Charles Ryrie, author of the bestelling Ryrie Study Bible and one of America’s greatest recent theologians, offers an easy-to-understand overview of the various doctrines of the Bible. It is written especially for the layman who simply wants to understand what the Bible teaches.
Knowing God Through the Old Testament (Wright)
Regular Price: $39.99 | Buy Now
Combining three volumes into one, Knowing God Through the Old Testament brings together three of Christopher J. H. Wright’s best loved books: Knowing God the Father Through the Old Testament, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, and Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament.
March 2023:
Ancient Wisdom (Wilson)
Regular Price: $32.99 | Buy Now
This book surveys and analyzes twenty-seven major collections of wisdom sayings from antiquity, including texts from ancient Egypt, the ancient Near East, ancient Israel and early Judaism, early Christianity, and the Greco-Roman world. Through the diversity of these selections, readers are exposed to wisdom literature from a wide array of historical, cultural, and linguistic settings, which unfolds into a larger understanding of how different ancient peoples articulated a gnomic understanding of life.
Christian Women in the Patristic World (Cohick & Hughes)
Regular Price: $35.00 | Buy Now
From facing wild beasts in the arena to governing the Roman Empire, Christian women—as preachers and philosophers, martyrs and empresses, virgins and mothers—influenced the shape of the church in its formative centuries.
Biblical Theology of the Old Testament, A (DTS Faculty)
Regular Price: $31.99 | Buy Now
A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament gives fresh insight and understanding to this theological discipline. Scholars from Dallas Theological Seminary combine to create this important volume edited by Roy B. Zuck. Each contributor looks at divine revelation as it appears chronologically in the canon, allowing you to witness God’s truth unfold through the centuries.
Biblical Theology of the New Testament, A (DTS Faculty)
Regular Price: $31.99 | Buy Now
A Biblical Theology of the New Testament gives fresh insight and understanding to this theological discipline. Scholars from Dallas Theological Seminary combine to create this important volume edited by Roy B. Zuck. Each contributor looks at divine revelation as it appears chronologically in the New Testament canon, allowing you to witness God’s truth as it has unfolded through the decades.
Teach the Text Commentary Series (21 Volumes)
Regular Price: $566.79 | Buy Now
The Teach the Text Commentary Series gives pastors the best of biblical scholarship and presents the information needed to move seamlessly from the meaning of the text to its effective communication. By keeping the discussion in each carefully selected preaching unit to six pages of focused commentary, the volumes allow pastors to quickly grasp the most important information.
Kregel Exegetical Library New Testament (2 Volumes)
Regular Price: $61.98 | Buy Now
Written by evangelical scholars, the Kregel Exegetical Library (KEL) benefits pastors and students while also contributing to the scholarly dialogue on each book of the Bible. The commentaries in this ongoing series provide careful, in-depth exegesis and homiletical guidance for each passage.
February 2023:
Gospel of John, The (F. F. Bruce)
Regular Price: $9.99 | Buy Now
Drawing on thirty years of research, Bruce introduces his commentary with discussions of the Gospel’s authorship, its significance for the early church, and its message. He touches only lightly on textual, linguistic, and other critical questions. “The chief aim,” of the commentary, Bruce says, “has been to communicate what I myself have learned of the Evangelist’s meaning and message.”
January 2023:
Holman Apologetics Commentary on the Bible (Gospels and Acts)
Regular Price: $39.99 | Buy Now
The primary purpose of the Holman Apologetics Commentary on the Bible is to equip readers to defend the reliability of Scripture and the historic evangelical understanding of its teachings. It is designed for use by general readers, though scholars will find it a probing and welcome resource as well.
December 2022:
God’s Word (2020) Translation with Notes
Regular Price: $14.90 | Buy Now
This new translation of the Bible consciously combines scholarly fidelity with natural English, and aims to communicate clearly to today’s Americans without compromising the accuracy of the Bible’s message. The translation project employed full-time biblical scholars and full-time English editorial reviewers. The translators’ notes are included in a separate module.
Ancient Christian Texts (17 Volumes)
Regular Price: $839 | Buy Now
Ancient Christian Texts is a series of new translations of full-length commentaries and sermons based on biblical books or extended scriptural passages by early church leaders like Ambrosiaster, Origen, Cyril of Alexandria and many others, most of which are presented in English for the first time.
A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (Evans & Mishkin)
Regular Price: $24.95 | Buy Now
This handbook serves as an introduction to the Jewish roots of the Christian Faith. It includes Old Testament background, Second Temple Judaism, the life of Jesus, the New Testament, the early Jewish followers of Jesus, the historical interaction between Judaism and Christianity, and the contemporary period.
Reformation Commentary on Scripture (Now 20 Volumes)
Regular Price: $699 | Buy Now
In each volume of the Reformation Commentary on Scripture you will find the biblical text in English, from the English Standard Version (ESV), alongside the insights of the leaders of the Reformation, from the landmark figures such as Luther and Calvin to lesser-known commentators such as Peter Martyr Vermigli, Johannes Oecolampadius, Martin Bucer, Johannes Brenz, Caspar Cruciger, Giovanni Diodati and Kaspar Olevianus. Many of these texts are being published in English for the first time.
Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible (BIGB)
Reg Price $14.99 | Buy Now
The Baker Illustrated Guide to the Bible provides a clear, reliable, and attractive resource to enhance personal Bible study. With a chapter for each book of the Bible, the guide presents the book’s central teaching, setting, message, interesting features, and a key memory verse. In addition, each biblical book is placed in the context of Scripture as a whole, allowing readers to understand God’s unfolding plan from Genesis to Revelation.
Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook (BIBH)
Reg Price $44.99 | Buy Now
The Baker Illustrated Bible Handbook offers the most up-to-date evangelical biblical scholarship in a format that is readable and easy to understand. This book-by-book guide brings the Bible to life with more than 1,100 full-color pages packed with illustrations, maps, and photos, and 112 in-depth articles on a wide range of topics important to students of the Bible. Readers will discover how each part of the Bible fits into and informs every other part, giving them a cohesive understanding of God’s Word.
Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary (BIBD)
Reg Price $44.99 | Buy Now
This comprehensive dictionary intends to help people read the Bible with increased understanding and confidence. It contains articles on major topics as well as places and people, even if they just appear in a single verse in the Bible. Its articles cover theological topics, biblical words, biblical imagery, and historical topics. This A to Z dictionary includes more than
Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary (BIBC)
Reg Price $44.99 | Buy Now
As more and more Christians are involved in teaching in their churches, there is a need for an accessible, engaging commentary that can enhance their understanding of Scripture and aid their teaching. The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary is that resource. This nontechnical, section-by-section commentary on the whole Bible provides reliable and readable interpretations of the Scriptures from forty-two leading evangelical scholars.
November 2022:
Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, 4th Edition (Tov)
Reg Price $84.90 | Buy Now
Since its initial publication in 1992, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible has established itself as the indispensable resource for student, teacher, and researcher.
New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue)
Reg Price $19.90 | Buy Now
The goal of the NRSVue is to offer a readable and accurate version of the Holy Bible to the global English-speaking community for public worship and personal study, for scholarship and study in classrooms, and for informing faith and action in response to God.
October 2022:
Preaching Difficult Texts of the Old Testament (Murawski)
Reg Price $21.95 | Buy Now
What should a preacher do when facing a genealogy while preaching the book of Genesis? How should one handle the geographically rich chapters of Joshua? What about all those laborious architectural details on the tabernacle in Exodus? From the theologically complex to the well-worn narrative, from the long pericopes to the tiniest archaeological details, this book seeks to give honest, practical advice that will better equip preachers to tackle such topics.
Preaching Romans: 4 Perspectives (McKnight & Modica)
Reg Price $20.99 | Buy Now
Scot McKnight and Joseph B. Modica have assembled this stellar one-stop guide exploring four major interpretive perspectives on the apostle Paul: Reformational, New, Apocalyptic, and Participationist. First elucidated by a scholarly essay, each perspective is then illuminated by three sermons expositing various passages from Paul’s magisterial letter to the Romans.
Preaching Christ from Leviticus (Greidanus)
Reg Price $35.00 | Buy Now
For pastors who take seriously the commitment to incorporate the entire Bible into their preaching, Sidney Greidanus’s books on preaching Christ from the major genres of the Old Testament have been a welcome gift. In his last such volume, Greidanus engages with the Old Testament genre of law and treats a book that is often seen as the most challenging of all: Leviticus.
The Pastor: His Qualifications and Duties (Harvey)
Reg Price $9.99 | Buy Now
A manual of ministerial advice from a distinguished 19th century Baptist pastor: “The nature and duties of the pastoral office form a subject of great practical moment. The thoughts suggested in this volume are largely results of the writer’s personal experience in the ministry and of his observation of pastoral work in our churches.”
September 2022:
Handbook of the Christian Faith, A (Schwarz)
Reg Price $15.00 | Buy Now
A Handbook of the Christian Faith is a one-volume overview of the Bible, church history, Christian beliefs and practices, other religions, and other issues of Christianity written in an easy-to-understand style. Organized in ten thematic chapters, the book is designed for use by individuals or study groups.
Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Pentateuch: Genesis (Goldingay)
Reg Price $64.99 | Buy Now
Highly regarded Old Testament scholar John Goldingay offers a substantive and useful commentary on the book of Genesis that is both critically engaged and sensitive to the theological contributions of the text.
Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Prophetic Books: Hosea-Micah (Goldingay)
Reg Price $54.99 | Buy Now
Highly regarded Old Testament scholar John Goldingay offers a substantive and useful commentary on Hosea through Micah and explores the contemporary significance of these prophetic books. This volume, the first in a new series on the Prophets, complements the successful series Baker Commentary on the Old Testament: Wisdom and Psalms (series volumes have sold over 55,000 copies).
Origen of Alexandria, Selected Works (Tagged Greek, English, Notes)
Reg Price $69.90 | Buy Now
An important early Christian thinker and theologian, Origen had a profound effect on later Christian theology and apologetics. This product contains the grammatically tagged Greek text of On the First Principles and the first three books of Against Celsus. It is formatted to run in parallel with the English translation which is included with the purchase of this module. The Notes file is also included.
Miracles and the Supernatural throughout Church History (Cooke)
Reg Price $17.99 | Buy Now
In Miracles and the Supernatural Through Church History, author and teacher, Tony Cooke, uncovers the power of God revealed through the centuries to prepare you for the future. Discover the miraculous works of the Holy Spirit through individuals like Ignatius of Antioch, Tertullian, Basil of Caesarea, Augustine, Martin Luther, John Wesley, Charles Finney, and many more.
Praying in the Spirit (Graves)
Reg Price $16.99 | Buy Now
Praying in the Spirit offers a deeper understanding of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit that can lead to more-meaningful worship and ever-deepening fellowship with God the Father.
Understanding World Religions (Hexham)
Reg Price $35.99 | Buy Now
Understanding World Religions presents religion as a complex and intriguing matrix of history, philosophy, culture, beliefs, and practices. Hexham believes that a certain degree of objectivity and critique is inherent in the study of religion, and he guides readers in responsible ways of carrying this out.
7 Volumes of the Zondervan Counterpoints Series (Release 4)
Reg Price $115.93 | Buy Now
There are 42 volumes available from this series and are available in the following products:
- This 7-Volume Set (Release 4)
- A 16-Volume Set (Release 1)
- An 11-Volume Set (Release 2)
- An 8-Volume Set (Release 3)
- The 42-Volume Series Bundle (all currently available volumes)
- Forty-two individual volumes are also available.
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the OT / NT Bundle (20 volumes)
Reg Price $703.80 | Buy Now
The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary is a modern commentary series designed to help pastors and Bible teachers understand the biblical text in its original environment. Each of the contributing evangelical scholars carefully consider factors such as grammatical detail, literary context, rhetorical flow, theological nuance, and historical setting in their interpretation. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical languages, this series is accessible for all who want to understand and teach the Old and New Testament.
August 2022:
Andrews Bible Commentary (OT & NT Bundle)
Reg Price $129.99; Sale Price $97.49 | Buy Now
The Andrews Bible Commentary is written by 60 leading biblical scholars from around the world. It’s designed for new believers, experienced Bible students, pastors, and teachers.
Introducción al Nuevo Testamento (Powell)
Reg Price $45.00 | Buy Now
Mark Allan Powell, destacado erudito bíblico, está convencido que la iglesia necesita prestar más atención a la población hispánica que está creciendo en los Estados Unidos. La iglesia tiene que ayudar a los líderes del futuro ministrar a las personas quienes hablan español. Esta edición en español de la introducción al Nuevo Testamento de Mark Allan Powell es excitante y entreteniente. También es una crítica amigable a la fe, es profusamente ilustrada, e incluye una variedad de ayudas pedagógicas.
Comentario Al Texto Hebreo Del Antiguo Testamento (Keil & Delitzsch)
Reg Price $34.99 | Buy Now
La publicación en español del COMENTARIO LINGÜÍSTICO AL TEXTO HEBREO DEL A.T. un trabajo monumental esperado con ansia por muchos años, al dar libre acceso en nuestro idioma a uno de los mejores comentarios exegéticos del Antiguo Testamento de todos los tiempos. marca un hito en la historia de la literatura cristiana en el mundo de habla hispana.
A Handbook of New Testament Exegesis (Blomberg)
Reg Price $30.00 | Buy Now
This accessible handbook provides a one-stop guide to the New Testament exegetical method. Seasoned New Testament scholar Craig Blomberg and his former research assistant Jennifer Foutz Markley offer both a broad overview of the exegetical process and a step-by-step approach to studying the New Testament in depth, helping readers understand the text and appropriate it responsibly.
July 2022:
The Christian Story (3 Volumes)
Reg Price $39.99 | Buy Now
Aquinas and Augustine, Baptists and Anabaptists, Wycliffe and Wesley, homoiousios versus homoousios, Councils and Creeds, Reformation and Counter-Reformation—a lot of information—probably too much for most believers to sort through. Why would anyone want to take on the overwhelming subject of church history?
A Quick Overview of the Bible
Reg Price $15.99 | Buy Now
The Bible is the most fascinating Book in the world‚ once you learn how to read, interpret and apply it. Like the picture on the lid of a jigsaw puzzle box, A Quick Overview of the Bible will give you the big picture and show you how the different parts of the Bible fit together to present God’s timeless message to the world.
Getting the Most from the Bible
Reg Price $12.99 | Buy Now
Disciples of Jesus respect and love the Bible. However, most of us see the need to go to greater depths in our study of God’s Word.
Wildfire: How Progressive Theology is Impacting the Church
Reg Price $13.99 | Buy Now
Daren Overstreet discusses the makeup of progressive theology, paying special attention to how it is influencing body life and doctrine within the church, using recent data and essays from people close to the different hot topics that are impacting today’s church. It will be a good resource for leaders and members alike as they navigate out complex world.
A Reader’s Guide to the Bible
Reg Price $15.99 | Buy Now
Approaching the Bible for the first time can be intimidating. Where should you begin? John Goldingay’s reliable and clear guide to exploring the Bible places the biblical books in their times and settings, and then lays out a memorable pattern for understanding the Bible as the story of God and his people, the word of God to his people, and the people’s response to God.
Light from the Christian East (Payton)
Reg Price $19.99 | Buy Now
To many people, the Orthodox Christian tradition (or Eastern Orthodoxy) seems unfamiliar and mysterious. Yet this tradition is arguably the most faithful representative of early Christianity in existence today and numbers roughly 250 million adherents worldwide. What’s more, a steady stream of evangelical Christians has been entering the Orthodox Church in recent decades. Isn’t it time we gained a deeper understanding of Orthodoxy?
The Complete Guide to Sermon Delivery (Fasol)
Reg Price $19.99 | Buy Now
You spent hours preparing your sermon, but is your congregation getting the message? From exercises to achieve full vocal production to effective body language to suggestions for improving radio and television communication, this invaluable guide gives you the tools you need to develop and maintain powerful sermon delivery skills. Ideal for seminarians and seasoned speakers.
Evangelism Handbook (Reid)
Reg Price $14.99 | Buy Now
Evangelism Handbook is a thorough guide to the daily ministry of sharing Christ. Writer and professor Alvin Reid is particularly concerned about how the Western Church is practicing evangelism—its failure to reach the hardcore unchurched and its trend of losing young people faster than it can win them.
The Five Smooth Stones (McQuilkin)
Reg Price $9.99 | Buy Now
Bemused by the constant rising and falling of new methodologies when he began a career in ministry over fifty years ago, university president Robertson McQuilkin has ever since committed his work to a core group of enduring ministry principles that he calls “the five smooth stones.”
Management Essentials for Christian Ministry (Anthony & Estep)
Reg Price $28.99 | Buy Now
Management Essentials for Christian Ministries is a thorough examination of management principles for Christian ministries including churches, denominations, and parachurch organizations. Contributors represent a diverse denominational cross section.
Introduction to Biblical Greek—Grammar (Harris)
Reg Price $47.99 | Buy Now
An Introduction to Biblical Greek Grammar focuses on the linguistic and syntactic elements of Koine Greek to equip learners for accurate interpretation. Drawing upon twenty years of Greek teaching experience and the latest developments in linguistics and syntax, Harris introduces students to basic linguistic concepts and categories necessary for grasping Greek in ways that are clear and intuitive. This solid foundation enables students first to internalize key concepts, then to apply and build upon them as more complex ideas are introduced.
June 2022:
The Shadow of the Almighty (Witherington & Ice)
Reg Price $18.99 | Buy Now
The Shadow of the Almighty introduces readers to the nature of God by exploring the biblical references to God as “Father,” “Son,” and “Holy Spirit.” This fruitful approach offers fresh insight into the meaning of the biblical language used for God, giving readers the background necessary for properly understanding the trinitarian perspective of the New Testament and of the Christian faith.
The Rest of Life (Witherington)
Reg Price $17.99 | Buy Now
When was the last time you heard a sermon on the theological importance of play? What do rest, eating, studying — and sex — have to do with the Kingdom of God? Strangely, although these activities together take up much of our time, they seldom receive much discussion from a biblical point of view.
Imminent Domain (Witherington)
Reg Price $12.99 | Buy Now
What is the kingdom of God? Where is it? How should the church celebrate the coming of the kingdom? In this popularly written study Ben Witherington addresses these and various other questions about the ever-elusive kingdom of God. Clearly defining the kingdom in terms of God’s dominion, Witherington discusses both its present (“already”) and its future (“not yet”) dimensions, and he brings out at length the implications of kingdom thinking for theology, ethics, and worship. End-of-chapter questions for reflection and discussion make the book ideal for church classes and study groups.
Work (Witherington)
Reg Price $18.99 | Buy Now
Work as calling, work as ministry, work as a way to make a living, and the notably unbiblical notion of retirement — Witherington’s Work engages these subjects and more, combining scholarly acumen with good humor, common sense, cultural awareness, and biblically based insights from Genesis to Revelation.
The Religion of the Apostles (De Young)
Reg Price $19.99 | Buy Now
Father Dr. Stephen De Young traces the lineage of Orthodox Christianity back to the faith and witness of the apostles, which was rooted in a first-century Jewish worldview. The Religion of the Apostles presents the Orthodox Christian Church of today as a continuation of the religious life of the apostles, which in turn was a continuation of the life of the people of God since the beginning of creation.
Thinking Orthodox (Constantinou)
Reg Price $21.99 | Buy Now
What does it mean to “think Orthodox”? What are the unspoken and unexplored premises and presumptions underlying what Christians believe? Orthodox Christianity is based on preserving the mind of the early Church, its phronema. Dr. Jeannie Constantinou brings her more than forty years’ experience as a professor, Bible teacher, and speaker to bear in explaining what the Orthodox phronema is, how it can be acquired, and how that phronema is expressed in true Orthodox theology – as practiced by those who are properly qualified by both training and a deep relationship with Christ.
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy (Damick)
Reg Price $28.99 | Buy Now
This new edition of the bestselling Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy is fully revised and significantly expanded. Major new features include a full chapter on Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movements and two new appendices (Relations with the Non-Orthodox and How and Why I Became an Orthodox Christian). More detail and more religions and movements have been included, and the book is now addressed broadly to both Orthodox and non-Orthodox, making it even more sharable than before.
Ultimate Things (Engleman)
Reg Price $15.99 | Buy Now
An Eastern Orthodox Christian perspective on eschatology. Various Christian groups continue to scream that the end is near. Read a thoroughly Orthodox perspective on the End Times. Finally, a book that doesn’t sensationalize these times, or rewrite traditional Christian teachings to fit in with the spirit of our age.
The Rest of the Bible (Mathis)
Reg Price $12.99 | Buy Now
A beautiful widow risks her life to defend her people while men cower in fear. A young man takes a journey with an archangel and faces down a demon in order to marry a woman seven times widowed. A reprobate king repents and miraculously turns back toward God. A Jewish exile plays a game of riddles in a Persian king’s court. Young men and widows become martyrs in the face of idolatry. Wisdom is detailed and exalted. Christ is revealed.
Ancient Faith Life & Thought Bundle (5 Works)
Reg Price $89.99 | Buy Now
This collection of 5 popular works by Ancient Faith Publishing will introduce you to the devotional life and thought of Eastern Orthodoxy. This bundle includes:
- Thinking Orthodox by Eugenia Scarvalis Constantinou
- Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy by Andrew Stephen Damick
- The Religion of the Apostles by Stephen De Young
- Ultimate Things by Dennis E. Engleman
- The Rest of the Bible by Theron Mathis
Jesus according to the New Testament (Dunn)
Reg Price $15.99 | Buy Now
New Testament scholar James D. G. Dunn has published his research on Christian origins in numerous commentaries, books, and essays. In this small, straightforward book designed especially for a lay audience, Dunn focuses his fifty-plus years of scholarship on elucidating the New Testament witness to Jesus, from Matthew to Revelation. Dunn’s Jesus according to the New Testament constantly points back to the wonder of those first witnesses and greatly enriches our understanding of Jesus.
A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature (Friedeman)
Reg Price $49.99 | Buy Now
A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature is a comprehensive Scripture index that catalogs approximately 90,000 references to the Bible found in classical rabbinic literature. This literature comprises two categories: (1) Talmudic literature (i.e., the Mishnah and related works) and (2) midrashic literature (i.e., biblical commentary).
May 2022:
Interpreting the New Testament (Brown & Moloney)
Reg Price $19.99 | Buy Now
This new textbook effectively introduces students to the art and craft of biblical interpretation. New Testament scholars Sherri Brown and Francis Moloney begin by orienting students to the world of the Bible, exploring contemporary methods for interpreting the biblical literature, and showing how the Old Testament is foundational to the formation of the New Testament.
Leadership Essentials (Ogden & Meyer)
Reg Price $12.99 | Buy Now
Designed to work well on your own, with a partner or with a group, Leadership Essentials by Greg Ogden and Daniel Meyer is the essential preparation tool for those who would be led and shaped by Christ to lead others with strength and wisdom.
Witness Essentials (Meyer)
Reg Price $19.99 | Buy Now
We know the radical difference the gospel of Jesus Christ makes, and we want others to see and enjoy its benefits. In fact, we don’t want them to just pray a prayer and move on to the next interesting thing. We want them to sink their roots deeply into the grace of God.
Discipleship Essentials (Odgen)
Reg Price $19.99 | Buy Now
We grow in Christ as we seek him together. Jesus’ own pattern of disciple-making was to be intimately involved with others and allow life to rub against life. By gathering in twos or threes to study the Bible and encourage one another, we most closely follow Jesus’ example with the twelve disciples. This workbook by Greg Ogden is a tool designed to help you follow this pattern Jesus drew for us.
The Moody Handbook of Preaching (Koessler)
Reg Price $29.99 | Buy Now
“Why is it that some can preach for an hour and it seems like five minutes, while others preach for only five minutes and it seems like an hour?” —Haddon Robinson
The Moody Handbook of Preaching answers this question and many others through the experience, knowledge, and understanding of men and women who are experts in their fields and who love God and His church.
Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament (Kaiser)
Reg Price $25.00 | Buy Now
Viewed as antiquated and remote, the Old Testament is frequently neglected in the preaching and teaching ministry of the church. But contrary to the prevailing attitude, might the Old Testament contain relevant and meaningful application for today? Renowned author and scholar Walter Kaiser shows why the Old Testament deserves equal attention with the New Testament and offers a helpful guide on how preachers and teachers can give it the full attention it deserves.
Preaching the Whole Bible as Christian Scripture (Goldsworthy)
Reg Price $27.99 | Buy Now
While strong, gospel-centered preaching abounds, many Christian pastors and lay preachers find it difficult to preach meaningfully from the Old Testament. This practical handbook offers help. Graeme Goldsworthy teaches the basics of preaching the whole Bible in a consistently Christ-centered way.
NEW! Our Reasonable Faith (Bavinck)
Reg Price $49.99| Buy Now
This popular digest of Herman Bavinck’s classic four-volume Reformed Dogmatics clearly presents the fundamental doctrines of biblical theology. A practical handbook of theology, it is an outstanding comprehensive statement of Christian faith and doctrine.
NEW! The Great Theologians: A Brief Guide
Reg Price $22.99| Buy Now
Who are the church’s great theologians? What was special about their teaching? What can we learn from them today? Gerald McDermott has written this book for those who want a solid introduction that is challenging, but not overwhelming. Provocative but satisfying. And not too long. McDermott not only informs us about eleven pivotal theologians from Origen to von Balthasar, but helps us sort out what is of continuing value today. With study questions at the end of each chapter, this book is perfect for small groups to go through together. As you do, you’ll explore your shared theological history and uncover more about what and why you believe. Here’s your chance to think with “the greats” about God.
NEW! Use of the Septuagint in New Testament Research (McLay)
Reg Price $26.99 | Buy Now
Too often the Septuagint is misunderstood or, worse, ignored in New Testament studies. In this book R. Timothy McLay makes a sustained argument for the influence of the Greek Jewish Scriptures on the New Testament and offers basic principles for bridging the research gap between these two critical texts.
NEW! Revelation and the End of All Things, 2nd ed. (Koester)
Reg Price $22.99 | Buy Now
Since its first publication in 2001, Revelation and the End of All Things has been a highly readable guide to one of the most challenging books in the Bible. Engaging the questions people most frequently ask about Revelation and sensationalistic scenarios about the end of the world, Craig Koester takes his readers through the entirety of Revelation, offering perspectives that are clear and compelling.
NEW! The Word of Life: A Theology of John’s Gospel (Koester)
Reg Price $22.99 | Buy Now
This accessible, engaging work explores the major theological dimensions of John’s Gospel, including God, the world and its people, Jesus, the crucifixion and resurrection, the Spirit, faith, and discipleship. Craig Koester’s Word of Life is notable for its comprehensive treatment of themes and its close, careful focus on the biblical text, on the narrative itself.
April 2022:
NEW! Eastern Christianity: A Reader (Walters)
Reg Price $51.90 Buy Now
In order to make the writings of Eastern Christianity more widely accessible this volume offers a collection of significant texts from various Eastern Christian traditions, many of which are appearing in English for the first time. The internationally renowned scholars behind these translations begin each section with an informative historical introduction, so that anyone interested in learning more about these understudied groups can more easily traverse their diverse linguistic, cultural, and literary traditions. A boon to scholars, students, and general readers, this ample resource expands the scope of Christian history so that communities beyond Western Christendom can no longer be ignored.
NEW! Invitation to the Septuagint (Jobes & Silva)
Reg Price $40.00 Buy Now
This comprehensive yet user-friendly primer to the Septuagint (LXX) acquaints readers with the Greek versions of the Old Testament. It is accessible to students, assuming no prior knowledge about the Septuagint, yet is also informative for seasoned scholars. The authors, both prominent Septuagint scholars, explore the history of the LXX, the various versions of it available, and its importance for biblical studies. This new edition has been substantially revised, expanded, and updated to reflect major advances in Septuagint studies. Appendixes offer helpful reference resources for further study.
NEW! Webster Bible (Updated) with Strong’s
Reg Price $4.99 Buy Now
Today Webster’s revision of the King James Version continues to be useful, for those who wish to use a Bible version that reproduces largely the familiar and traditional words of the King James Bible, with only the most difficult expressions modernized and corrected.
Handbook on the Gospels (Baker Handbooks on the New Testament)
Reg Price $39.99 Buy Now
A leading New Testament scholar provides an easy-to-navigate resource for studying and understanding the Gospels. Written with classroom utility and pastoral application in mind, this accessibly written volume summarizes the content of each major section of the biblical text to help students, pastors, and laypeople quickly grasp the sense of particular passages.
Handbook on Acts and Paul’s Letters (Baker Handbooks on the New Testament)
Reg Price $44.99 Buy Now
Leading biblical scholar Thomas Schreiner provides an easy-to-navigate resource for studying and understanding the Acts of the Apostles and the Pauline Letters. This accessibly written volume summarizes the content of each major section of the biblical text to help readers quickly grasp the sense of particular passages.
Handbook on Hebrews through Revelation (Baker Handbooks on the New Testament)
Reg Price $34.99 Buy Now
Through fair and accurate use of the Qur’an and other documents, scholar and accomplished debater Dr. James White examines what Muslim sacred texts teach about Christ, salvation, the Trinity, the afterlife, and other crucial topics. This book provides the answers you’ve been looking for to engage in open, honest discussions about Islam with Muslims and others.
NEW! NICOT: The Book of Jeremiah, by John Goldingay (2021)
Reg Price $64.99 Buy Now
Of the Major Prophets, Jeremiah is perhaps the least straightforward. It is variously comprised of stories about the prophet Jeremiah, exchanges between Jeremiah and Yahweh, and messages directly from Yahweh—meaning a consciousness of form is essential to the understanding of its content. John Goldingay, a widely respected biblical scholar who has written extensively on the entire Old Testament, navigates these complexities in the same spirit as other volumes of the New International Commentary on the Old Testament series.
NICOT: The Book of Lamentations, by John Goldingay (2022)
Reg Price $37.99 Buy Now
The book of Lamentations is one of the most vivid representations of grief and trauma in the Hebrew Bible. Written in the wake of the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonian Empire, it is comprised of five poems of twenty-two stanzas each, in a manner of tight formal unity unparalleled by any other work in the Scriptures.
In this volume, widely respected Old Testament scholar John Goldingay analyzes these and other aspects of Lamentations while keeping a constant eye on the book’s meaning and use as Christian Scripture.
Renner Study Guides: Spiritual Growth Collection
Reg Price $49.99 Buy Now
This collection includes study guides corresponding to the following teaching series on spiritual growth by Rick Renner:
- How To Develop Spiritually
- Foundations of Faith
- The Stage of Faith
- Knowing the Will of God
- Accepting Your God-Assigned Place
- How to Keep Your Head on Straight in a World Gone Crazy
- Reverence for the Things of God
- Starting the New Year Strong
- Trick of Treat—A Christian Response to Halloween
- Christmas—The Rest of the Story
Renner Study Guides: Loving God and Others Collection
Reg Price $49.99 Buy Now
This collection includes study guides corresponding to the following teaching series on loving God and others by Rick Renner:
- 7 Things To Do Everyday to Stay Spiritually Strong
- 10 Things to Make Your Life Strong
- School of Cinderella—The Art of Happily Ever After
- The Love Test
- How To Improve Family Relationships
- What To Teach Your Children
- Different Kinds of Prayer
- How To Intercede for People Who Are in Trouble
- How To Navigate a Pandemic and Other Coming Periods of Isolation
- Decisions
Renner Study Guides: Fulfilling Your Mission Collection
Reg Price $49.99 Buy Now
This collection includes study guides corresponding to the following teaching series on fulfilling your mission by Rick Renner:
- Apostolic Ministry
- Pastoral Ministry
- Qualifications for Leadership
- Understanding Five-Fold Ministry
- Insights on Communion
- God’s Hall of Faith
- The Will of God — The Key to Your Success
- Running Your Race with Purpose
- It’s Time To Finish Your Assignment
- Launching Out into New Territory
Renner Study Guides: Bible Knowledge Collection
Reg Price $49.99 Buy Now
This collection includes study guides corresponding to the following teaching series on Bible knowledge by Rick Renner:
- Moses and the Ten Plagues
- God Has Given You the Victory (Jericho)
- The Miracles of Jesus Christ
- Do You Want To Be Healed?
- Taking Authority Over the Wind & Waves in Your Life
- Upper Room Realities
- Resting in Our Redemption
- Unknown Facts About the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- Being in the Right Place at the Right Time (Conversion of Paul)
- Questions & Answers
Renner Study Guides: Last Days Collection
Reg Price $49.99 Buy Now
This collection includes study guides corresponding to the following teaching series on the last days by Rick Renner:
- Christ’s Message to Ephesus
- Christ’s Message to Smyrna
- Christ’s Message to Pergamum
- Christ’s Message to Thyatira
- Christ’s Message to Sardis
- Christ’s Message to Philadelphia
- Christ’s Message to Laodicea
- The Coming of the Antichrist
- Signs You’ll See Just Before Jesus Comes
- Last Days Survival Guide
Renner Study Guides: Spiritual Warfare Collection
Reg Price $49.99 Buy Now
This collection includes study guides corresponding to the following teaching series on spiritual warfare by Rick Renner:
- Dressed To Kill
- Spiritual Weapons to Defeat the Enemy
- Overcoming Surprise Attacks
- Pulling Down Strongholds
- Resisting Evil
- What the New Testament Tells Us About Demons
- How To Keep the Devil Out of Your Life
- How To Defeat the Giant You Are Facing
- Healing the Mind & Emotions of the Oppressed
- How To Get Out of the Trap the Devil Set for You
Renner Study Guides: Holy Spirit Collection
Reg Price $44.99 Buy Now
This collection includes study guides corresponding to the following teaching series on the Holy Spirit by Rick Renner:
- The Holy Spirit and You
- You Are a Temple of the Holy Spirit
- The Infilling of the Holy Spirit
- Why We Need the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- The Supernatural Supply of the Holy Spirit
- Miracles and the Supernatural in Church History
- Symbols of the Holy Spirit
- Baptism In The Holy Spirit
- A Life Ablaze
March 2022:
George Eldon Ladd Collection (9 volumes)
Reg Price $139.00 | Buy Now
George Eldon Ladd (1911–1982) was professor of New Testament exegesis and theology at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. This collection includes some of his best known and most influential works.
Carta’s The World’s Oldest Alphabet
Reg Price $83.99 | Buy Now
For about 150 years, scholars have attempted to identify the language of the world’s first alphabetic script, and to translate some of the inscriptions that use it. Until now, their attempts have accomplished little more than identifying most of the pictographic letters and translating a few of the Semitic words. With the publication of The World’s Oldest Alphabet, a new day has dawned.
Understanding the Alphabet of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Reg Price $17.99 | Buy Now
The Dead Sea Scrolls constitute the most important documentary evidence for the “Jewish alphabet,” which was used to write ancient Hebrew and Aramaic. In Understanding the Alphabet of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Dr. Ada Yardeni, one of the world’s leading authorities on ancient Semitic languages, paleography, and epigraphy, provides a thorough overview of the script and its variations, and traces its development from the late 3rd to the early 2nd century BCE.
Post-Biblical Hebrew Literature: An Anthology — B. Halper
Reg Price $9.99 | Buy Now
An anthology of Post-biblical Hebrew texts in English translation published by the Jewish Publication Society in 1921. Now in the public domain. Includes selections from The Wisdom of Ben Sira, The Mishnah, The Talmud, the Midrash, and more.
A Book of Jewish Thoughts — J. H. Hertz
Reg Price $9.99 | Buy Now
This Book of Jewish Thoughts brings the message of Judaism together with memories of Jewish martyrdom and spiritual achievement throughout the ages.
Origen of Alexandria, Selected Works (Tagged Greek, English, Notes)
Reg Price $69.90 | Buy Now
An important early Christian thinker and theologian, Origen had a profound effect on later Christian theology and apologetics. This product contains the grammatically tagged Greek text of On the First Principles and the first three books of Against Celsus. It is formatted to run in parallel with the English translation which is included with the purchase of this module. The Notes file is also included.
First Nations Version (NT)
Reg Price $19.90 | Buy Now
Many First Nations tribes communicate with the cultural and linguistic thought patterns found in their original tongues. The First Nations Version (FNV) recounts the Creator’s Story—the Christian Scriptures—following the tradition of Native storytellers’ oral cultures. This way of speaking, with its simple yet profound beauty and rich cultural idioms, still resonates in the hearts of First Nations people.
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