A week after I get back from Israel, I’ll be heading up to Palmyra, New Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to teach an all-day Accordance training seminar. It will be held at the Central Baptist Church of Palmyra, and you can find all the details, including how to register, here.

In addition to being an enthusiastic Accordance user, Wes Allen, the pastor of that church, teaches a method of using visuals in sermons which he calls “sermon painting.” Wes was kind enough to let me use him as an example of effective presentation in my book, Macs in the Ministry, so I’m excited to finally meet him in person.

I should also be flush with stories about how I used Accordance during my tour of Israel. I’ll do my best to focus more on Accordance than on all the amazing things I’ve seen here, but don’t be surprised if you get a few Israel-related examples during the seminar. 🙂

If you haven’t yet attended an Accordance training seminar, be sure to watch the Seminars and Shows page for a list of those we have scheduled. We’re also doing one at Hebrew University in Jerusalem in a couple weeks, but alas, I won’t be here for that one. No matter who teaches them, these seminars are perhaps the quickest way to learn how to use Accordance more effectively. If you’re anywhere near Philly on March 19th, I look forward to seeing you there.