Malachi Then and Now (Allen P. Ross)

Ross-Malachi I have early memories of Malachi because when I was young, we regularly had “January Bible Studies” in which a shorter book of the Bible became the focus of intense study over a period of successive nights in the first month of the year. In fact, I believe the short little study guide to Malachi from the 1970s still sits on one of my mother’s book shelves. However, since that time, it’s rare that I hear much taught about the last of the Minor Prophets unless a preacher needs a prooftext about tithing or divorce.

And it’s for that very reason that Allen P. Ross has written Malachi: Then and Now. Ross draws out seven primary messages contained within this book that he says “are needed just as much today as in Malachi’s day.”

Ross sees two audiences for his commentary: (1) the Hebrew student and (2) the biblical expositor. For the first, he offers details on the technical aspects of the Hebrew vocabulary and constructions. For the expositor, Ross delivers expository outlines, word studies, and other helps for the preacher or teacher.

Ross - Malachi

Click/tap the image above for a larger view of Ross’ Malachi Then and Now
(biblical texts not included).

In reading through some of the content of this commentary, I would suggest a third purpose as well. This volume is so well-written (even the technical aspects are surprisingly non-technical in their presentation) and practical, that this commentary is just as suitable for personal study even if someone might not fit so easily into one of Ross’ targeted audiences.

Malachi Then and Now (Ross)

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A Commentary on Micah (Bruce K. Waltke)

Waltke-Micah If you, as an Accordance user, already have the Tyndale Commentary on the Bible as well as The Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository Commentary (edited by Thomas McComiskey), you may assume that you’ve already read everything Bruce Waltke has to say about Micah. Well, if this is your assumption, you may be in for a big surprise because there’s actually more! Today we are releasing another work by Bruce Waltke on the Minor Prophet, simply titled A Commentary on Micah.

In the preface Waltke not only distinguishes this work from the previous two, he also describes how it came to be. While writing for McComiskey’s series on the Minor Prophets, Waltke’s work on Micah grew to the point that it was twice as long as what was necessary. In cutting it in half, he mostly trimmed the exegetical portion of what he had written. Nevertheless, he had all this “extra” content and research on Micah, and this became the basis for his third work on the subject.

Waltke on Micah

Click/tap the image above for a larger view of A Commentary on Micah by Waltke
(biblical texts not included).

In his Commentary on Micah, Waltke first interprets the text according to historical-grammatical method, but secondly interprets the text in regard to what it means to the contemporary church. As Waltke describes it—

The Commentary consists of three parts: translation, exegesis, and exposition. The notes to the translation contain the mass of text-critical matters. Not everyone has a taste for textual criticism, but a comprehensive study of all textual variants is as essential as roots to a flower. These notes are for those who question the reliability of a given reading.

The exegesis contains the bulk of historical and philological analyses. Not everyone has a taste for these details either, but they are the stem that carries the flower, the exposition of the text.

While Waltke’s Commentary on Micah is slightly more technical than Ross’ volume on Malachi, the individual who is motivated to study the message of Micah will find this volume highly accessible as well. Truly, the content here reminded me of the format of McComiskey’s excellent series on the Minor Prophets, but Waltke’s work here is much more in-depth and anything but rushed or condensed.

Commentary on Micah (Waltke)

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