When I was a kid, every children’s and adult Sunday School classroom at my church had a set of large “pull-down” maps related to the Old and New Testaments. After I grew up and moved away from home, eventually I was teaching a Bible study class for adults myself; but the church I was in had no such maps. I remember trying to find a set of these maps to purchase for my own use, but there were none to be found. They simply weren’t made anymore. This was in the mid-1990s before data projectors and flat screen televisions became the universal teaching tools that they are now.
Flash forward to today, and we have a wealth of “maps” for teaching. With Accordance Bible Software and a data projector or flat screen television, I have access to the infinitely customizable Accordance Atlas as well as dozens of third-party atlases with pre-made maps. Nevertheless, I’ve been hoping for at least one more addition: the Holman Bible Atlas: A Complete Guide to the Expansive Geography of Biblical History.
Until a recent move, I had been using Holman Bible Atlas maps for nearly a decade in a Bible study I taught at my previous church. We used a Lifeway curriculum that offered an individual Holman Bible Atlas map in .jpeg format with each quarter’s study. It was nice having these maps, but it meant that I only got four a year, and I didn’t have access to the written content in the atlas. Plus, I still didn’t have the Holman Atlas in the one place I really wanted it–Accordance.
Well, I’m very excited to announce that today we are releasing the Holman Bible Atlas for the Accordance Bible Software Library. This atlas comes with 132 maps, over 150 photographs, multiple charts, in-depth articles, and extensive bibliographies. And the Accordance edition of the Holman Bible Atlas comes with eight separate search fields allowing you to find the exact content you need quickly and efficiently.
The content of the Holman Bible Atlas has been written so as to be accessible to anyone interested in biblical studies. In the preface, the author, Thomas Brisco, states,
I have written this Atlas for the interested lay person and beginning level student of the Bible in colleges and seminaries. Accordingly, I have avoided technical jargon and overly complex discussion of issues that have a legitimate place among scholars, but which can be distracting to students with little or no background. The goal has been to provide the geographical and historical data necessary to comprehend the Bible’s unfolding story.
I would suggest, however, that any “scholar” or pastors in a teaching role will want to add the Holman Bible Atlas to their Accordance Library to use the content in teaching and preaching settings. As I mentioned, I’ve been using these maps for years, and in my opinion, the Holman Bible Atlas contains the best pre-made, third-party maps available anywhere. They are high-quality, professional maps with vivid colors and cover nearly every imaginable map one could want related to biblical studies. And, of course, your license for having a title like this in Accordance allows you to use these images in teaching and preaching contexts.
If you already have the Holman Bible Atlas on a competing Bible Software platform, don’t miss our extremely low-priced crossgrade offer. As is usually the case, you will discover that many of the images in the Accordance edition of this title are often of a slightly higher quality than our competitors, which makes for better use in teaching and preaching settings.
Holman Bible Atlas
List Price $29.90
Regular Price $21.90