Moody OT Intro Series

We are pleased to announce the release of An Introduction to the Old Testament (4 volumes) from Moody Publishers, available for the Accordance Bible Software library, beginning today!

An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch by Herbert Wolf
An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books by David M. Howard Jr.
An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books by C. Hassell Bullock
An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic Books by C. Hassell Bullock

Viewed by many as a contemporary standard Old Testament Introduction, these volumes have been used by tens of thousands of students, professors, pastors, and laypersons serious about studying the Bible. Now available for Accordance, this wealth of information on the Old Testament is available at a moment’s notice, no matter where you are!

Moody Introduction to the Old Testament

Click/tap on the image above for a larger view of An Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch by Herbert Wolf (NIV text available separately).

Consider for a moment that the average contemporary Old Testament introductory texts are around 500 pages in print form. They’re good, but they can only cover so much content. This is where Moody’s Introduction to the Old Testament series overshadows these other titles. The print version of the Moody series weighs in at over 1600 pages! The reader will find greater depth here than in the average biblical introduction. In fact, after spending some time with this series, one begins to wonder if introduction is a bit inadequate as a description.

The Introduction to the Old Testament series covers a wide variety of subjects that are often relegated to individual, single-theme treatments. Here you will find both literary analysis as well as culture backgrounds. The authors, though conservative as one would expect from a Moody publication, are very conversant with diverse issues relating to authorship and theology and interact with a variety of viewpoints regularly. Serious attention is paid to historical context, and difficult or “problematic” texts are addressed head on. Significant differences between the Hebrew Bible and Septuagint are often highlighted as well.

Although designed for classroom use, An Introduction to the Old Testament is a valuable resource for anyone seriously engaging with Old Testament texts. This is certainly not a “dry” academic treatment. Rather, the writers make their respective subjects come alive, engaging the reader to dig deeper into the biblical writings themselves, using these introductions as a key resource for understanding them better. The reader does not have to know biblical languages to use this series. The writers use popular English translations for biblical quotations and any Hebrew or Greek word referenced is transliterated.

Each volume includes page numbers for use in mixed-format settings. The original print indexes of Subjects and Persons, authors, and Scripture references are included; however, in Accordance, you can search for any word or phrase regardless of whether it is in the “official” index or not.

Whether you’ve ever read a biblical introduction before or not, consider adding An Introduction to the Old Testament to your personal Accordance Library. No doubt, you will find yourself turning to it again and again.

Special Introductory Offer on the Entire Set through Monday, June 12 only:

Introduction to the Old Testament, Set of Four WorksMoody OT Intro Series
(Pentateuch, Historical, Poetic, Prophetic)

Regular Price $129

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