In all the excitement over the major new features (Stacks, Papers, upgraded Analytics and more) in Accordance 12, you may have overlooked some of the other improvements such as the completely upgraded Timeline. Accordance users have long benefitted from the unique features of the fully customizable Accordance Timeline such as the ability to narrow the view to display regions, people, events, and books; choose between different chronology and dating schemes; and to customize the Timeline to include individuals and events not already in place.

New Timeline

Click/tap the image above for a view of the newly-updated Accordance Timeline

With the release of Accordance 12, the Timeline received a major overhaul. The first change longtime users will notice is the completely overhauled design. The Timeline has been updated with a modern look that will not only benefit personal study but will look stunning when using this resource in teaching and preaching settings.

New persons and events have been added to the timeline incorporating information from the time beyond the New Testament. Follow the rise and fall of the Roman Empire as well as exploring events in the early centuries of the church. The limits of the Timeline have been expanded, too. Now the timeline reaches all the way to AD 2500, so prognosticate away if you’re so inclined!

Of course, the perfect companion to the Accordance Timeline is the Bible Times PhotoMuseum 2, released earlier this year (check out David Lang’s recent post, “PhotoMuseum 2: Must-Have Timeline Companion”). Double click on persons or events in the Timeline to open detailed articles offering background and archeological information on subjects. The PhotoMuseum has been expanded and now contains over 1,000 high-res photos—many of which you won’t find in any other collection, anywhere!

If you haven’t purchased the Accordance Timeline or upgraded to the Bible Times PhotoMuseum 2, what are you waiting for? These titles can be purchased individually or at greater value in one of our many Graphics Collections.