Accordance makes it easy for anyone to study like a Bible scholar, but most of us study the Scriptures to show them to others. That’s true whether you’re a minister, a small group leader, a parent, or an actual Bible scholar!
The inaugural Accordance eAcademy was a live webinar event designed to equip our users for effective study and engaging communication. The sessions showed them how to study to show others! It was well attended and greatly appreciated.
Topics & Speakers
Easy Customization—Setting Preferences that Work Best for You (Richard Perry)
This “Pre-session” covers the basic information on how to customize and set up Accordance with the options and the look that works best for you including your library, the tool bar, and preferences.
You CAN Take it With You—Studying and Teaching with Accordance Mobile (Richard Mansfield)
Learn effective methods for studying and teaching/preaching using Accordance on iOS/iPadOS and Android devices. Discover shortcuts, tips, and recommended resources for best use of Accordance on the go.
Really Simplify Original Language Studies with Accordance (Mark Allison)
Harness the power of Accordance to make original language research fun and easy. We’ll look at the new Live Click feature, and talk about making complex searches simple by graphically defining your searches. Finally, we’ll take those searches to the next level by mastering the multiple search analytics available in Accordance.
The Benefits of Using Accordance for Group Bible Studies (Rick Mansfield)
Explore methods for using Accordance in group contexts such as Bible studies or even the classroom, using both desktop and mobile versions.
Hebrew with Chutzpah (David Lang)
Grow bold in your study of Hebrew, and don’t be afraid to talk about it. Exploring the Hebrew can add depth to your teaching, so learn to use it responsibly.
Why the Dead Sea Scrolls Matter (Dr. Roy Brown)
Building a Lasting Foundation During First Year Greek (Abram Kielsmeier-Jones)
As soon as you start learning Greek, you can access features and tools in Accordance that will help you retain your Greek for years to come.
How Do I Explain THIS to the Congregation? (David Lang)
Can a lay audience really handle thorny issues of grammar, textual criticism, literary structure, geography, and chronology? They can, but it helps if you use visuals. In this session, explore a wide variety of ways to illustrate your teaching, including many you’ve probably never thought about.
Sermon Prep with Accordance (Abram Kielsmeier-Jones)
Accordance won’t write your sermon for you, but it is the ideal assistant for your sermon preparation. From reading a text in multiple, parallel versions to immediately pulling up all commentaries on a given verse, Accordance streamlines your sermon research.
Maximize Your Studies with Accordance–(Navigation, Workspaces, and Internet) (Richard Perry)
Explore Five ways to navigate through Accordance that will enhance your studies. The Amazing “Workspaces” and built-in internet window will bring new perspectives from and appreciation for the books in your library.
Show and Tell: Your First Look at Accordance 13 (Joel Brown)
Accordance 13 is coming! Get a live, first-hand look at all of the new capabilities and changes coming in the next major release of Accordance Bible Software. You’ll not only get to see Joel demonstrate some of the most exciting new features, but Joel will also be offering some insight into the nature of their development and the careful thought process that goes into every decision.
Exploring Genealogies of the Bible (Dr. Nancy Dawson)
Tips and Tricks for Greater Productivity (Don Gillis)
In this session, you will learn quick shortcuts and overlooked productivity tips in Accordance that will help you do more in less time. No one thing will take more than 5 minutes to learn and you will be provided with notes to refer to for future reference. The tips will include items that have been a part of Accordance in the past as well as a look into some of the new productivity tips for the upcoming release of version 13.
Writing Papers & Research (Dr. Craig A. Evans)
Mark Allison – Mark has been with Accordance since 2002 and currently works as a content developer and trainer. He has undergraduate degree in Missiology (Toccoa Falls College) as well as MA degrees in Anthropology (University of Georgia) and Theological Studies (Liberty University). He and his wife Lu four kids—Sophia, Lydia, Evangeline and Levi. Mark also serves as the director of Covenant Life School of Ministry, a 4-year leadership school for lay leaders.
Joel Brown – Joel has been writing Accordance code for over a decade. He is now the lead software developer and has been instrumental in developing Accordance for Windows, Accordance for iOS 3.0, the upcoming Accordance v13, and many more projects. Famously, Joel enjoys a good challenge, and many of Accordance’s features have originated with a customer or colleague proposing something difficult, yet fascinating. When not writing the best Bible Software on the planet, Joel is an avid musician, performing trombone with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra, or piano in his local congregation.
Dr. Roy Brown – Dr. Roy Brown is the original developer of Accordance, the cutting-edge Bible software for Bible Study, research, and translation of the Bible, since 1994. He has taught the Bible for many years in the United States and Israel, in English and in Hebrew.
Dr. Nancy Dawson – Dr. Nancy S. Dawson holds a B.S. in Biology from Oklahoma Baptist University, a M.S. from Northeast Louisiana University, and a Ph.D. in Biology-Cell Biology from the University of Tennessee. She has held tenure-track teaching and research faculty positions at Western Kentucky University and Texas A&M, Department of Medical Physiology. After a family move to North Carolina, she studied theology at the Duke Divinity School. Beginning in 2000, Nancy began biblical research on the genealogies that are given in the Old and New Testaments. This endeavor led to the construction of over 300 family tree-like charts that show the familial relationships of all major and minor characters in Scripture (individuals, families, clans, tribes), and, in particular, addressed the genealogies of Jesus Christ in the Matthew and Luke Gospel accounts. She will be sharing with you some of the important findings from this research and how the Genealogies of the Bible module in the Accordance software can help you in your study and interpretation of Scripture.
Dr. Craig A. Evans – Dr. Evans is John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins at Houston Baptist University in Texas. He has given lectures at Cambridge, Oxford, Durham, Yale, and other universities, colleges, seminaries, and museums. A well-known evangelical scholar, Evans is an elected member of the prestigious SNTS, a society dedicated to New Testament studies. He also serves as the Director of the Christian Thinkers Society Fellows Program and Strategic Studies. He is a prolific author of 70 books and over 600 journal articles and reviews. His research has led to conferences on subjects including the Dead Sea Scrolls and archaeology of the Bible. Dr. Evans served as editor of the Bulletin for Biblical Research from 1994 to 2005.
Don Gillis – Don Gillis has been in the Bible software industry for 20 years. He has also served on staff in churches in Ohio and Texas. He is the Director of Academic Relations for Accordance and meets with schools and leading scholars to assist them with in-depth Bible study via research grade tools. He holds master’s degrees from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is passionate about raising the level of biblical literacy in our culture and uses Accordance to help achieve that goal.
Abram K-J – Abram Kielsmeier-Jones is Pastor of Union Congregational Church in Gloucester, MA. He is a husband, father, runner, musician, wannabe basketball player, and follower of Jesus. He came to Accordance as a reviewer of Accordance 10 in 2012 and has been using it regularly ever since. Since 2015 he’s led Accordance Webinars on a variety of topics.
David Lang – David Lang has been with Accordance since 1995. He has authored or co-authored Accordance’s Bible Lands PhotoGuide and Bible Times PhotoMuseum, as well as the book Macs in the Ministry and six volumes of Northland Church’s Journey to Spiritual Maturity series. His dirty little secret is that Accordance makes him look much smarter than he is!
Richard Mansfield serves as Technology Evangelist for Accordance Bible Software. He has been using Accordance since 1998 and came on with the company fulltime in 2014. He has MDiv and ThM degrees from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Richard and his wife, Kathy, live in Louisiana and attend St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Shreveport.
Richard Perry – Richard is both a teacher and speaker sharing how technology is a powerful tool for biblical studies. His presentations are informative in discovering how technology can enhance ministry and change lives. He is currently an adjunct instructor at Faith International University and has been involved in the development and training of Bible software for more than 25 years.