Accordance eAcademy: October 13, 2020
Live Webinar Training Event
“Science and Studies – Things to Ponder!”
Accordance makes it easy to study like a Bible scholar! The Accordance eAcademy offers live relevant lectures along with web-based training on how to study more effectively using Accordance.
Topics Covered
- Finding Messiah in the Old Testament – with the Rabbis
- Does the Bible Allude to Modern Science?
- Accordance 13: Search Analytics & Graphs
Finding Messiah in the Old Testament – with the Rabbis (Dr. Russell Fuller)
The Old Testament is foundational for both rabbinical and apostolic interpretation principles of Messiah. This workshop will cover the “Rabbinic Messianic Paradigm” as well as how the “Apostles” did not interpret the Old Testament. Accordance will be used as a tool in this webinar for viewing the Bible text.
Does the Bible Allude to Modern Science? (Dr. Roy Brown)
From Einstein to Quantum Mechanics, how does the Bible relate to modern science? This lecture will cover such points as questions to consider, various examples to ponder, and types of limits in science encountered. The focus here is not so much on interpretation of specific passages in the Bible, but rather to show how the Bible can plausibly point to principles in nature that are now established and accepted by modern science.
Accordance 13: Search Analytics & Graphs (Ryan Mudge)
All are welcomed to this webinar on search analytics and graphs. We will cover topics such as search graphs, charts, and more! Please join us as we use Accordance 13 to help us dig into God’s Word.
Dr. Russell T. Fuller (PhD, Hebrew Union University) is a semiticist and theologian specializing in biblical languages. For over two decades, Dr. Fuller taught Old Testament classes, including courses in Hebrew and Aramaic, at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Prior to his position at SBTS, he taught Old and New Testament at Mid-Continent College in Mayfield, Kentucky. Dr. Fuller is the author of Biblical Hebrew: A Beginning Grammar. You can take classes taught by Dr. Fuller online by registering at russelltfuller.com.
Dr. Roy Brown is the original developer of Accordance, the cutting-edge Bible software for Bible Study, research, and translation of the Bible since 1994. He has taught the Bible for many years in the United States and Israel, in English and in Hebrew.
Ryan Mudge is the Asia Representative for Accordance Bible Software, having worked with Accordance for six years. He has presented Accordance at many seminaries and conferences throughout Asia and provides regular training for Accordance users. He earned his B.A. in Biblical & Theological Studies from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in the US and is currently earning his M.Div. at Torch Trinity Graduate University in Seoul.