For over two decades, Accordance Bible Software has reigned as the premier Bible software platform on Macintosh, and more recently, Windows computers. Users of Accordance on laptop and desktop computers know the power and speed Accordance delivers to Bible study and research. In fact, the best sales team for Accordance is not our marketing team–but rather, Accordance users themselves!
For the past few years, we’ve made a free trial copy of Accordance available that will run on Windows and Macintosh computers. It’s a great way to share Accordance with colleagues, friends and members of a local house of worship. However, it has a few limitations, too. The Windows and Macintosh demo is fully working, with a limited number of Bibles and tools that allow the user to get a feel for how the software works. After an hour though, it will reset. If you can do all your research in 60 minutes, it’s great; but if you need a longer demo, you’ll want something more.
When we launched Accordance Mobile a few years ago, we knew we had to come up with a different solution for introducing it to new users because Apple doesn’t allow for demo versions in the iOS App Store. We could have offered a stripped down version of the software with features added through in-app purchase, but we didn’t want to do that. Instead we’ve made Accordance Mobile a free, on-the-go Bible study experience that comes complete with enough titles to make it a Gateway to Bible Study from the very outset.
If you’re a seasoned Accordance user on both Windows or Mac and iOS, you may not realize that Accordance Mobile is a great way to introduce others to the power of Accordance, too. We will provide your friends, colleagues, and fellow worshipers with a number of complete Bible study tools that are theirs to keep forever, regardless of whether they ever spend a dime with us in the Accordance Store.
Every downloaded copy of Accordance Mobile comes with the following titles:
- English Standard Version with Strong’s Numbering
- World English Bible
- Outlines of each book of the Bible
- Margin notes and cross-references
- Easton’s Bible dictionary
- The Bible Lands PhotoGuide Sampler
- module which links to free high-quality video and audio lectures
- Greek and Hebrew dictionaries, and
- Samples of the Greek New Testament and Hebrew Bible.
However, if the user creates a no-obligation online account, he or she will receive the following titles, also for free!a
- The King James Version with Strong’s numbering
- Reina Valera 1909 with Strong’s numbers (Spanish)
- The King James Version Apocrypha
- Almeida (Portuguese)
- Douay-Rheims Bible (English)
- Louis Segond (French)
- Elberfelder 1905 (German)
- Luther 1912 (German)
- Dr. J’s Bible Study Methods
- Greek and Hebrew Strong’s Dictionaries
- Webster English Dictionary
- Matthew Henry Concise Commentary
- Hitchcock’s Dictionary of Bible Names
- Nave’s Topical Bible
- Maps Sampler
- Timeline Sampler
- Devotional and Chronological Bible Readings
- Classic Bible Passages
- Parables & Miracles
This is an incredible beginning library of biblical texts and resources—including a full commentary and multiple dictionaries (English and original languages)—at no cost!
Note also the addition of two other titles that come with the free version of Accordance Mobile: (1)’s module with audio and video links to dozens of courses on the Bible and the spiritual life, and (2) Dr. J’s Bible Study Methods, an integraded and interactive step-by-step approach to studying the Bible. The content in these two titles alone would be worthy of their own for-pay standalone apps, but they are both included here, providing many hours of content to explore and expanding the user’s understanding of the biblical message.
All of this means that Accordance Mobile delivers a tremendous amount of value-added content by itself for no cost; but obviously, adding more titles to it, or even a complete Accordance Collection can only add to the experience.
If you’ve never tried Accordance on any platform, or if you know someone who hasn’t, consider Accordance Mobile as a powerful Gateway to Bible Study that fits in the palm of your hand!
Accordance Mobile is available for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch through the Apple App Store. For more information, see our website.