Philo of Alexandria was a Jewish statesman and philosopher who lived about 20 B.C. to 50 A.D. He was a prolific writer, especially of commentaries on the Pentateuch, as well as a life of Moses. The commentaries include both literal and allegorical interpretations, and show a deep knowledge of the Hebrew Bible, other Jewish writers, and contemporary pagan learning. His writings bear witness to Jewish thought and understanding of the Scriptures in this period, and were very influential in the philosphy and theology of the early Christian Church.
All the extant Greek texts of Philo have been prepared, lemmatized, and initially tagged grammatically by The Norwegian Philo Concordance Project, under the leadership of Norwegian scholar Peder Borgen (University of Trondheim), along with Roald Skarsten (University of Bergen), and Kare Fuglseth (University of Trondheim). The grammatical tagging has been extensively revised and updated for Accordance by Rex A. Koivisto of Multnomah Bible College, Portland, Oregon.
The texts include:
- On the Creation (De Opificio Mundi)
- Allegorical Interpretation (Legum Allegoriae)
- On Cherubim (De Cherubim)
- On the Sacrifices of Abel and Cain (De Sacrificeiis Abelis et Caini)
- The Worse attacks the Better (Quod Deterius Potiori insidiari solet)
- On the Posterity and Exile of Cain (De Posteritate Caini)
- On the Giants (De Gigantibus)
- On the Unchangeableness of God (Quod Deus immutabilis sit)
- On Husbandry (De Agricultura)
- On Noah’s Work as a Planter (De Plantatione)
- On Drunkenness (De Ebrietate)
- On Sobriety (De Sobrietate)
- On the Confusion of Tongues (De Confusione Linguarum)
- On the Migration of Abraham (De Migratione Abrahami)
- Who is Heir of Divine Things (Quis Rerum Divinarum Heres)
- On the Preliminary Studies (De Congressu quaerendae Eruditionis gratia)
- On Flight and Finding (De Fuga et Inventione)
- On the Change of Names (De Mutatione Nominum)
- On Dreams (De Somniis)
- On Abraham (De Abrahamo)
- On Joseph (De Iosepho)
- On Moses (De Vita Mosis)
- Decalogue (De Decalogo)
- On the Special Laws (De Specialibus Legibus)
- On the Virtues (De Virtutibus)
- On Rewards and Punishments (De Praemiis et Poenis)
- Every Good Man is Free (Quod Omnis Probus Liber sit)
- On the Contemplative Life (De Vita Contemplativa)
- On the Eternity of the World (De Aeternitate Mundi)
- Flaccus (In Flaccum)
- Hypothetica (Apologia pro Iudaeis)
- On Providence (De Providentia)
- Embassy to Gaius (De Legatione ad Gaium)
- Q & A on Genesis (Quastiones et Solutiones in Genesin)
- Q & A on Exodus (Quaestiones et Solutiones in Exodum)
The entire PHILO-T text with tagging is available here. See also Philo English translation and Philo add-on package.