The Series
A trusted and treasured series, the Tyndale Commentary is a valuable addition to Accordance. This series is a classic and a valuable resource for Bible study, helpful to the layman and the scholar as well, and recognized as one of the best basic-level commentary series available.
The Tyndale Commentary Series was written by such notable evangelical scholars as Leon Morris, Bruce Waltke, F. F. Bruce, Wayne Grudem, John Stott, and N.T. Wright. These authors are dedicated to presenting clear, readable, section-by-section explanations of Scripture. Written with the dual aim of reaching to the depths of Biblical meaning and displaying its message clearly, the Tyndale Commentary Series digs into authorships, dates, historical backgrounds, and more. The texts are thoroughly examined. Issues relating to problems of interpretation are also clearly analyzed. Also noteworthy are the many excurses scattered throughout the text. Called Additional Notes, these short asides provide more detailed information on topics mentioned in the Biblical texts.
With a conservative, evangelical perspective, the Tyndale Commentary Series intends to bring careful scholarly research into a tool that can be accessed easily. Readers comment, “I can understand…yet I am challenged to grasp the wonderful truth,” and “packed with enough information for the scholar.” It is also described as “comprehensive,” “excellent,” and “helpful.”
In Accordance
Accordance has made this valuable resource available to you today. And with the addition of some helpful features, it is now more useful than ever. The text is fully searchable by title, content, or Scripture reference, making it easy to find any place a given phrase or reference is mentioned. And as always, the Instant Details Box displays any verses mentioned in the body of the text.
The series is also hyperlinked to many various tools and texts such as Hymns, Hymn Writers, Apostolic Fathers, Josephus (JOSEPH), Philo (PHILO-E), and apologists such as Justin Martyr and Irenaeus (APOL-E).
As in any module, the user can also amplify the text by selecting a word or passage in the commentary and then choosing any tool or text from the Library.
When the series includes a chart or map, Accordance displays it as a thumbnail. This feature makes it easy for the user to zoom in and out of the graphic, exploring and navigating it at will.
Like a growing number of Accordance modules, the Tyndale Commentary is page-numbered and compatible with Accordance 8.4 and above, meaning it is easier than ever to save text as a citation or a footnote and paste it into a new document, displaying all information needed for a complete citation automatically.
The Tyndale Commentary Series is an important addition to the Accordance library of anyone who is looking to expand their knowledge of the Bible, seeking a readable yet thorough examination of Scripture. The clear, reliable, informative commentary, combined with the helpful, intuitive, enhancing features Accordance brings, makes the Tyndale Commentary Series an invaluable resource.
Print value for the entire 49-volume set is $789.
Tyndale Commentaries
List Price $789
Regular Price $449
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Contents of the Tyndale Commentaries
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC)
- Genesis by Derek Kidner
- Exodus by R. Alan Cole
- Leviticus by R. K. Harrison
- Numbers by Gordon J. Wenham
- Deuteronomy by John A. Thompson
- Joshua by Richard S. Hess
- Judges & Ruth by Arthur E. Cundall and Leon Morris
- 1 & 2 Samuel by Joyce G. Baldwin
- 1 & 2 Kings by Donald J. Wiseman
- 1 Chronicles by Martin J. Selman
- 2 Chronicles by Martin J. Selman
- Ezra & Nehemiah by Derek Kidner
- Esther (1st ed.) by Joyce G. Baldwin
- Esther (2nd ed.) by Debra Reid
- Job by Francis I. Andersen
- Psalms 1-72 by Derek Kidner
- Psalms 73-150 by Derek Kidner
- Proverbs by Derek Kidner
- Ecclesiastes by Michael A. Eaton
- The Song of Solomon by G. Lloyd Carr
- Isaiah by J. Alec Motyer
- Jeremiah & Lamentations by R. K. Harrison
- Ezekiel by John B. Taylor
- Daniel by Joyce G. Baldwin
- Hosea by David Allan Hubbard
- Joel & Amos by David Allan Hubbard
- Obadiah, Jonah, Micah by T. Desmond Alexander, David W. Baker and Bruce Waltke
- Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah by David W. Baker
- Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi by Joyce G. Baldwin
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (TNTC)
- Matthew by R. T. France
- Mark by R. Alan Cole
- Luke by Leon Morris
- John by Colin Kruse
- Acts by I. Howard Marshall
- Romans by F. F. Bruce
- 1 Corinthians by Leon Morris
- 2 Corinthians by Colin Kruse
- Galatians by R. Alan Cole
- Ephesians by Francis Foulkes
- Philippians by Ralph P. Martin
- Colossians & Philemon by N. T. Wright
- 1 & 2 Thessalonians by Leon Morris
- The Pastoral Epistles by Donald Guthrie
- Hebrews by Donald Guthrie
- James by Douglas Moo
- 1 Peter by Wayne Grudem
- 2 Peter & Jude by Michael Green
- The Letters of John by John R. W. Stott
- Revelation by Leon Morris