Live Webinar Training Event
Accordance makes it easy to study like a Bible scholar! This special two-day event will include a renowned scholar, author and publisher combined with excellent academic offerings! Don’t miss out and register today.
- The Importance of the Textual History of the Hebrew Bible — Illustrated Lecture
- Hebrew Syntax: A Traditional Semitic Approach
- The Hebrew Accents and their usefulness for syntax and interpretation
- The German Bible Society? Learn about their history, resources and more!
- Amplifying: Harnessing the Power of Accordance
The Importance of the Textual History of the Hebrew Bible — Illustrated Lecture (Dr. Emanuel Tov)
The Hebrew Bible is known from antiquity not only from the traditional Masoretic Text, but also from the Dead Sea Scrolls and several ancient translations. In the pre-Christian centuries, the picture is that of textual variety and not of uniformity as in later centuries. The correct exegesis of the Bible takes all these sources into consideration, as illustrated by some text samples from Accordance modules.
Hebrew Syntax: A Traditional Semitic Approach (Dr. Russell Fuller)
The lecture will survey how traditional Semitic grammarians have understood the various aspects of Biblical Hebrew syntax, such as the Hebrew verbal system and the nominal/verbal clauses. The lecture will be for those with at least a semester of Hebrew.
Amplifying: Harnessing the Power of Accordance (Jordan Stevens)
In this session, you will learn the art of “amplifying” in Accordance. Using this technique, you will be able to leverage all of your Accordance resources to access more information on any given topic. We will explore amplifying to and from a variety of reference tools, commentaries, primary texts, and more. Whether your interest is textual criticism or devotional study, amplifying is a foundational skill for every Accordance user. Skilled in the art of amplifying, you will be able to locate exactly what you need in as little time as possible. Amplifying is your path to more efficient research, Bible study, and sermon preparation.
Thursday, November 19
The German Bible Society? History, Resources & More! (Dr. Florian Voss)
Meet a representative, learn the history, and hear more about the incredible resources produced from this renowned publishing group. The GBS resources have had a major impact on Biblical Studies when it comes to original languages. They are recognized as a world leader in developing the best tools for the mission of accurate and dependable information for textual studies in the scriptures. Come learn more about this most amazing publisher.
The Hebrew Accents: Their Usefulness for Syntax & Interpretation (Dr. Russell Fuller)
The lecture will emphasize the use of the accents for representing the syntax of verbal/nominal clauses, for marking the most meaningful words in a verse, for indicating parenthesis, and for illustrating their use between verses (especially, the role of Silluq). The lecture will be for those with at least a semester of Hebrew. I will try to make this lecture helpful to all, including those just starting with the accents.
BIOGRAPHIES – Presenters:
Emanuel Tov is the J. L. Magnes Professor of Bible at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where he has taught since 1974. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in biblical studies from the Hebrew University in 1973. Since 1990 he holds the J. L. Magnes chair, from which he retired in 2009. He received the Humboldt Research Prize, the Emet Prize in Biblical Research and the Israel Prize. He specializes in the textual criticism of Hebrew and Greek Scripture as well as in the Qumran Scrolls. He was the editor-in-chief of the Dead Sea Scrolls Publication Project. He has written 16 books, edited more than fifty, and published more than 330 research papers. He is a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy and a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Russell T. Fuller (PhD, Hebrew Union University) is a semiticist and theologian specializing in biblical languages. For over two decades, Dr. Fuller taught Old Testament classes, including courses in Hebrew and Aramaic, at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Prior to his position at SBTS, he taught Old and New Testament at Mid-Continent College in Mayfield, Kentucky. Dr. Fuller is the author of Biblical Hebrew: A Beginning Grammar. You can take classes taught by Dr. Fuller online by registering at russelltfuller.com.
Dr. Florian Voss (German Bible Society Representative) is International Rights Director and Editor of the New Testament scholarly editions (Nestle-Aland and UBS Greek New Testament) at Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. He has studied theology at the universities of Münster and Tübingen and earned a PhD from the University of Zürich with a thesis on the First Letter to the Corinthians. Before joining the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, he had been working as assistant to Prof. Ulrich B. Müller at Saarland University.
GBS (German Bible Society) is renowned worldwide as the publisher of the critical editions of the Hebrew Old Testament (BHS & BHQ), the Greek-language New Testament editions Nestle-Aland and Greek New Testament, and the Septuagint and Vulgate. At the same time, it has also acquired renown as a publishing house for scholarly resources for biblical study in printed and electronic form. Publications from the German Bible Society are used throughout the world in exegetical training and theological practice.
Jordan Stevens has been with Accordance for seven years working as a content developer. Additionally, he is currently writing a dissertation on syntax and semantics in the book of Amos. His other interests include fly fishing, golf, and camping with his wife and three boys. Jordan and his family currently live in Fort Worth, Texas.