What does the Bible say about tithing? End Times? Racism? Temptation? If you teach or preach the Bible, eventually someone asks these kinds of questions. What’s the best kind of resource for answering these questions? Here’s where having the right kind of tools in your Accordance Library can really pay off. When asked about biblical answers on specific topics, the best place to turn is to a kind of reference book called a topical handbook.
Topical handbooks on the Bible have a rich tradition in basic Bible study. The now classic Nave’s as probably the best known, but Accordance users have valued R. A. Torrey’s The New Topical Textbook—included in a number of our Collections–for many years. Now, for those wanting a more in-depth topical guide, we are pleased to announce the release of Tyndale’s Handbook of Bible Application, second edition, for the Accordance Library.
Bible teachers and preachers will find the Handbook of Bible Application to be an invaluable resource. As stated in the introduction, “The purpose of this book is not to supplement the Bible’s answers to life’s questions, but to lead you to them.” Every topic includes a discussion question, Bible readings, key Bible verses, and practical explanations from the writers of the Life Application Study Bible.
The Handbook of Bible Application uses the New Living Translation as its primary Bible version, but in Accordance it can be used with any text or translation. Moreover, if the sought after topic is not immediately found, a synonym index is also included to aid the reader in finding the correct information.
The editors offer suggestions in the introduction for how this resource can be used in teaching settings as either a supplement to teaching curriculum or as a base for creating a topical Bible study from scratch. For personal use, there are even suggestions for how to use the Handbook of Bible Application for daily devotional purposes or as a guide for Scripture memory.
Don’t be surprised if the Handbook of Bible Application becomes your first-stop for finding information about biblical subjects! It also makes a great on-the-go reference in Accordance Mobile for quickly looking up a topic on an iPhone or iPad.
Click or tap the image above to see a screenshot of
the Handbook of Bible Application on an iPad Pro.
Handbook of Bible Application