As you probably know, Accordance Bible Software is used internationally by people from all walks of life who want to study and read the Bible. We have localized versions of Accordance in German, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Chinese–Simplified with more on the way.
Did you know, though, we also have reviews and tutorials created by our users all over the world? Here are a sample of international Accordance discussions taking place all over the globe.
- Wellington Casagrande has created an entire YouTube channel, Software Bíblico Accordance, with a growing number of Accordance how to videos in Portuguese.
- Also in Portuguese, here’s a review of Accordance 12 Triple Discoverer Collection by Rafael Bampi de Oliveira in English as well as Portuguese.
- Don’t miss an exhaustive review of Accordance 12 Triple Discoverer Collection by Grzegorz Olek in Polish. “Accordance surprises with its efficiency, beautiful graphics and photos, and adaptability to the preferences of the user.”
- Timothee Minard has updated his extensive comparative reviews in French for Accordance 12. He provides an introduction, a full online review, a PDF version, and a review of new features with a video presentation.
- Attie Bogaards discusses Accordance as an alternative to BibleWorks in lieu of the latter company’s demise. Bogaards’ discussion is in both Afrikaans and English.
If you know anyone who speaks these languages who might benefit from reading or hearing any of the reviews and discussions above, please send them a link. And sometimes we might miss something, so if you hear about a review or video related to Accordance in another language, please let us know!