ACCORDANCE HELP VIDEOS Explore Accordance at your own pace. |
Welcome to the Light the Lamp newsletter! Each month we’ll explore different aspects of Accordance Bible software to help you take full advantage of the software. With so many features and resources available, there is always something new to learn. Please let us know on the Forums if you’d like a certain topic featured in an upcoming issue. In this edition, we wanted to share one of the best ways to learn Accordance on your own time. You’ll also find a free book. If a picture’s worth a thousand words, at 30 frames per second, a video must be like reading an entire book in just a few minutes. With Accordance 13, we released our new interactive tutorials feature providing step-by-step instructions on how to use Accordance. However, we also have numerous videos available. You can open Accordance and watch alongside the video to learn about different features in real time. The videos can be accessed either from our support menu or the support site. (In the next Accordance 13 update, the video page will also be accessible right from the Help menu.) |
Once you get there, you’ll see a variety of informative how-to and feature videos. There are four categories to choose from: Getting Started (Windows & macOS) Accordance FeaturesAccordance Deep Dives & Product Tours Accordance for Android & iOS/iPadOS Use these videos to take your Accordance skills to the next level. You’ll discover something new and be on your way to faster, more efficient study. This page is frequently updated with new videos, so be sure to check back regularly. |
Here’s an example of one of our most popular videos: Did you know that Accordance 13 lets you import PDFs so that you can add your own content to your Accordance Library? In the Accordance Features and How To section of our video page, there’s a quick tutorial that shows you just how to do this. Look for “Import from PDF” on the second row of this section. |
February’s Free Book To say thank you for signing up for our newsletter, you can download Perfect Freedom by Phillips Brooks for free during the month of February. This book is brand new to our site. Just go to the link below and add the book to your cart. |