Why read a history of Israel when the Bible already presents one? In Kingdom of Priests: A History of Old Testament Israel, Eugene Merrill fills in the extrabiblical gaps from the surrounding culture and literature of the time. This helps us understand the context of both ancient Israel and the Scriptures produced by the faith community.
Some writers of histories of Israel have produced works that cast doubt on the validity of the biblical records. In his review of the first edition of Merrill’s history, Charles Dyer wrote, “Kingdom of Priests marks a new era in evangelical studies on the history of Israel. Before this book appeared those who believed in the inspiration of the Word of God faced difficult choices when searching for a history of Israel” (Bibliotheca Sacra 145, Oct ’88, p. 456; Accordance location URL). Merrill’s Kingdom of Priests, however, demonstrates an ongoing connection between “sacred history” and “authentic history,” showing the two do not have to be mutually exclusive.
Merrill has produced a serious history of the nation of Israel that goes beyond simply retelling the history of Israel. Interacting with contemporary sources from the time, Merrill is able to examine the historical and political milieu surrounding the nation and allow readers to understand biblical events in a new light.
Kingdom of Priests includes 17 black and white maps (excellent for handouts in teaching contexts) and nine chronological tables allowing the reader to understand both biblical and non-biblical historical context.
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Kingdom of Priests (2nd Edition) (Merrill) Buy now for $39.90