To our users,
Over the last few days, we have grieved at the news pouring in from the Middle East of bloodshed and suffering. A horrific attack has taken the lives of hundreds in Israel, with thousands more injured. Declarations of war have been issued, and retaliatory strikes have begun, ensuring that further loss of life on both sides of the conflict will be forthcoming.
The situation is shocking, and many have questioned where hope can be found in a world seemingly bound up in endless strife.
As those devoted to the study of the Scriptures, we know that hope can only be found by turning our eyes to God. He is the great healer of our brokenness, the one who gathers what has been scattered, and who transforms our sorrows into joy. With this in mind, we ask our users to join us in prayer for those suffering, for healing, for peace, and for justice.
Lord, be merciful to those now wounded, be present with those now bereaved. Shelter the helpless in the shadow of your wings, and bring justice for the righteous. Turn us from hatred and violence, and cause us to love our neighbors as ourselves.You alone are capable of turning our strife to peace and our despair to hope. Be gracious and merciful O God.