Baker Commentary on Old Testament Wisdom & Psalms (7 Volumes)

Retail: $322.00 / Accordance: $299.00

For even more information, see this release announcement. Also see a review of BCOT/Wisdom & Psalms by Dieudonné Tamfu. (Review begins on the top of page 90 of the pdf. From the cover page, click “Book Reviews” > “Baker Commentary on Old Testament Wisdom & Psalms”.)

Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.

The Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series is tailored to the distinctives of Poetry and Wisdom literature. Features include:

  • Emphasis on the message of the biblical book
  • Special attention to poetic structure and literary devices
  • Incisive comments based on the author’s translation of the Hebrew text
  • Exegetical rigor, incorporating linguistic, historical, and canonical insights
  • Closing reflections on each section that explore the text’s theological dimensions
  • Textual notes that provide resources for advanced readers

In addition to the helpful translation and commentary, these volumes consider the theological implications of the wisdom texts as well as their literary, historical, and grammatical dimensions. Footnotes deal with many of the technical matters, allowing readers of varying interest and training levels to read and profit from the commentary and to engage the biblical text at an appropriate level. This built-in versatility has application for both pastors and teachers.


  • Job (Tremper Longman III) (2012)
  • Psalms, Volume 1: Psalms 1-41 (John Goldingay) (2006)
  • Psalms, Volume 2: Psalms 42-89 (John Goldingay) (2007)
  • Psalms, Volume 3: Psalms 90-150 (John Goldingay (2008)
  • Proverbs (Tremper Longman III) (2006)
  • Ecclesiastes (Craig G. Bartholomew) (2009)
  • Song of Songs (Richard S. Hess) (2005)

Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms
• Series Editor: Tremper Longman III
• Publisher: Baker Publishing (2005 – 2012)

Product Details

Where to Find

Baker Commentary on Old Testament Wisdom & Psalms (7 Volumes) is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Primary CollectionsColl13-EngMaster1119English Master Collection (Accordance 13) (November 2019)36999.00
Primary CollectionsColl13-EngMaster0420English Master Collection (Accordance 13) (April 2020)37499.00
Primary CollectionsColl13-EngMaster0720English Master Collection (July 2020)42568
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpertEnglish Expert Collection (Accordance 12)3999.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpert_0319English Expert Collection (Accordance 12) (February 2019)3999.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpert0519English Expert Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2019)3999.00
Primary CollectionsColl12-EngExpert_0519English Expert Collection (Accordance 12) (May 2019)3999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 3Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2015)18699.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 4Q15All-in-All Accordance Program (4th Quarter 2015)19999.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 1Q16All-in-All Accordance Program (1st Quarter 2016)21249.00
Add-on BundlesAll-in-All 3Q16All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2016)23999.00


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