Bible History: Old Testament (Edersheim)

Prod ID: Bible History OT
Price: $9.99

There is an upgrade option to Edersheim Group 2 from the original Edesheim Group. This upgrade adds History of the Jewish Nation and Prophecy and History in Relation to the Messiah.

In this enduring classic, Alfred Edersheim explores the broad sweep of Old Testament history. He brings to his work his immense learning and familiarity with Judaism, as well as his love for Scripture and his desire for every Christian to know and understand the story of God’s redemptive work in history.

“In writing it [Bible History: Old Testament] I have primarily had in view those who teach and those who learn, whether in the school or in the family. But my scope has also been wider. I have wished to furnish, what may be useful for reading in the family, –what indeed may, in some measure, serve the place of a popular exposition of the sacred history. More than this, I hope it may likewise prove a book to put in the hands of students, to show them what the Bible really teaches.”
–Alfred Edersheim

Bible History Old Testament
A classic biblical reference to help you understand and apply the history of the Old Testament

• Author: Alfred Edersheim
Publisher: Hendrickson Publisher (1995)
Originally published 1876-1887 (This latest, 1-volume, retypeset edition is a complete and unabridged reproduction of the 1890 7-volume edition.)

Where to Find

Bible History: Old Testament (Edersheim) is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
English StudiesEdersheim GroupEdersheim Group39.90
English StudiesEdersheim Group 2Edersheim Group 249.90
English StudiesUABibRef3Bible Reference 3 CD-ROM Unlock all549.00
English StudiesUABibRef8Bible Reference 8.1 Unlock all1080.00
English StudiesUABibRef8.4Bible Reference 8.4 Unlock all1300.00


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