Bible Teacher’s Guide: Finding a Godly Mate – Biblical Principles for Singles
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How can one find a godly mate? When God made Adam, he said it was not good for him to be alone and then provided him with Eve. The desire for companionship is normal and good. Yet, for most, there is both a season of singleness and a season for seeking a mate. How should one go about seeking a godly mate when it’s time? In churches, often training in this area is neglected; therefore, singles are unprepared and often greatly struggle. Too often they jump into the dating/courting process with no real guidance. Consequently, many compromise, pick up emotional and physical baggage, and miss God’s best.
Scripture says that this process can be difficult: Proverbs 20:6 says, “Many a man claims to have unfailing love, but a faithful man who can find?” Proverbs 31:10 adds, “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” A godly mate is like a precious jewel—very rare! How can one be found? Scripture guides us by either telling us exactly what to do or by giving us principles. In Finding a Godly Mate, the Genesis 24 narrative of the search for Isaac’s future wife, Rebekah, is exposited and principles for singles are abundantly gathered.
Finding a Godly Mate: Biblical Principles for Singles
• Series: The Bible Teacher’s Guide
• Author: Gregory Brown
• Publisher: Bible Teacher’s Guide (BTG Publishing) (2017)
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