Christian Workers’ Commentary on the OT and NT (James Gray)

Prod ID: Gray-Workers' Commentary / Author:
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James Gray was president of Moody Bible Institute for 30 years and it was during his time there that he wrote the Christian Workers Commentary on the Old and New Testament. In writing this commentary, Gray’s desire was for his commentary to serve to education Christian laity.

“He makes clear that his commentary, if it has any value, should kindle a desire in its readers to study the Bible itself more deeply on their own. He suggests that people use the commentary in adult Bible classes, expository preaching, and family devotions. Today, readers can still use Gray’s work as he intended, but one can also study it as an historical piece, particularly as a look into early 20th century Evangelical biblical hermeneutics.” – CCEL Staff

Features of the Christian Workers’ Commentary:

  • Covers the entire Old and New Testaments.
  • Arranged in sections (generally 1-2 chapters) with questions for use in family altars and in adult Bible classes.
  • Contains homiletic and expository suggestions for young preachers.

Christian Worker’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
• Author: James M. Gray
• Text of the 1915 Edition published by Fleming H. Revell Company

Product Details

Where to Find

Christian Workers' Commentary on the OT and NT (James Gray) is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
English StudiesBASIC-11Basic Group Add-on (v. 11)39.90
Add-on BundlesClassic7Classic 7 Bundle19.90


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