Kohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary

Prod ID: KM Hebrew Dictionary
Available Within a Package

A new dictionary with Strong’s and G/K numbers for use with Key number texts of the Hebrew Bible. The dictionary offers links for each word to its use in the other Key number texts, as well as a count of the original word, and a link to Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words.

From the Introduction:
This dictionary includes all words represented in the Old Testament. The first line of each entry includes the G/K and Strong’s number (** are used when there is not a corresponding Strong’s number). Following this are the Hebrew/Aramaic word, its transliteration, and for more significant words its frequency count is also included. Note however that the frequency counts were originally derived from the NIV Concordance and may differ in form and number from the BHS. On the second line are the part of speech, cognate relationship (if applicable), and English definition. The third line includes a series of Word Study hyperlinks which search the corresponding English version for the key number(s) under discussion. Note that there will be variations in frequency and usage in each version depending on the translation, and tagging philosophy.

Kohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary of the Old Testament
• Originally derived from The Hebrew-English Concordance to the Old Testament (Kohlenberger)
• Portions also derived from Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Mounce/VanPelt/Smith)
• Editors: John R. Kohlenberger III, William D. Mounce
• Electronic text designed by OakTree Software, Inc.

Where to Find

Kohlenberger/Mounce Concise Hebrew-Aramaic Dictionary is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
UpgradesColl10-Essential Upg_13Version 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection499.99
UpgradesColl10-Essential Upg_14Version 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection499.99
UpgradesColl10-Essential UpgradesVersion 9 Levels upgrades to Essential Collection499.99
Primary CollectionsAccord-iOSAccordance for iOSN/A
Primary CollectionsStarter-9Starter Collection of free modules with version 9N/A
Primary CollectionsMAS10-StarterCollection10-Starter (MacAppStore)49.99
Primary CollectionsGBS10-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 10) (GBS Store)49.99
Primary Collections20-Pack StarterSite License Pack for up to 20 devices: Starter Package300.00
Primary Collections20-Pack Greek & HebrewSite License Pack for up to 20 devices: Greek & Hebrew1000.00
Primary Collections20-pack Greek & Hebrew_14Site License Pack for up to 20 devices: Greek & Hebrew1000.00
Primary CollectionsPC-Coll10-OrigLanguageOriginal Languages Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD299.99
Primary CollectionsMAS11-StarterStarter Collection (Accordance 11) (MacApp Store)59.90
Primary CollectionsPC-Coll10-OrigLang_13Original Languages Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD299.99
Primary CollectionsiOS_Starter_InitialiOS Initial ContentN/A
Primary CollectionsiOS2_Starter_InitialiOS2 Initial ContentN/A
Primary Collections20-Pack English StudySite License Pack for up to 20 devices: English Study1000.00
Primary CollectionsAnd1_Starter_InitialAndroid1 Initial ContentN/A
Primary BundlesAccord-Android1Accordance for AndroidN/A
Primary BundlesAccord-iOS2Accordance for iOS2N/A
English StudiesNIV11-GK GroupNew International Version 2011 with G/K numbers and Dictionaries39.99
English BiblesNRSVS GroupNRSV with Strong's Numbers and Dictionaries39.99
English BiblesNKJVS GroupNKJV with Strong's Numbers and Dictionaries39.99
English BiblesESVS GroupESV with Strong's Numbers and Dictionaries39.99
English BiblesHCSBS GroupHCSB with Strong's Numbers and Dictionaries39.99
English BiblesJPSS-GRJPS with Strong's Numbers and Dictionary39.99
Hebrew add-on bundlesJewish Studies add-onJewish add-on for Biblical studies with JPS materials299.00
International LanguagesRVR60S GroupSpanish 1960 Reina Valera with Strong's Numbers and Dictionaries39.99
International LanguagesRVR95S GroupSpanish 1995 RVR with Strong's Numbers and Dictionaries39.99
International LanguagesBiblioHispBiblioteca Hispana modules49.90
Add-on BundlesStarter10 GroupStarter Group Modules (Accordance 10)N/A
Add-on BundlesStarter11 GroupStarter Group Modules (Accordance 11)N/A
Add-on BundlesStarter12 GroupStarter Group Modules (Accordance 12)N/A
Add-on BundlesStarter13 GroupStarter Group Modules (Accordance 13)49.90
PC Primary LevelsPC-Coll10-Bible StudyBible Study Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD199.99
PC Primary LevelsPC-Coll10-EssentialEssential Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD499.99
PC Primary LevelsPC-Coll10-Essential_13Essential Collection pre-installed for emulator on DVD499.99


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