Tag: Commentaries

Sale Announcement

Sale 8-20-24

| Sean Nelson

Prices in this sale are valid through 11:59 PM (Eastern), 9-2-24. Boice Expositional Commentary (27 Volumes) Regular Price: $449 | Sale Price $99.90 | Buy Now The Boice Commentary series combines careful scholarship and clear communication in a verse-by-verse and section by section reading of various biblical texts. Combining thoughtful interpretation with contemporary insight for […]

Bible Software

NEW! A Continental Commentary (20 volumes)

| Richard Mansfield

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of A Continental Commentary (20 volumes) from Fortress Press for the Accordance Library. This series consists of 19 volumes on the biblical text (16 Old Testament and 3 New Testament) and one volume serving as an extended excursus on the theology of the Psalms. A Continental Commentary […]

Bible Software

New! Keener's Galatians: A Commentary

| Richard Mansfield

Hands down, Craig Keener has consistently remained one of my favorite New Testament commentary writers in recent years. As stated by his publisher, Keener is “widely respected for his thorough research, sound judgments, and knowledge of ancient sources.” For anyone interested in biblical backgrounds and the contexts from which the New Testament writings sprang, Keener’s […]

Bible Software

A Closer Look at the Kregel Exegetical Library (NEW!)

| Richard Mansfield

The IVP Pocket Dictionary for the Study of New Testament Greek offers a simple definition for the word exegesis: “The act or result of drawing out the meaning of the biblical text and explaining it; interpretation.” Although, there is often some overlap, an exegeticalcommentary is different from an expositorycommentary. An exegetical commentary can often be a bit more […]

Bible Software

The Unexpected Benefits of a Well-Rounded Library

| David Lang

As a longtime Accordance employee, I have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to all the resources in my personal Accordance Library. I have more Bibles, original language texts, dictionaries, commentaries, and books at my fingertips than I know what to do with; and I get new toys to play with all the time. […]

Bible Software

NEW! Reformed Expository Commentary (27 Volumes)

| [email protected]

  We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Reformed Expository Commentary (27 volumes), from P&R Publishing, for the Accordance Bible Software Library. (Note: The initial release of Reformed Expository Commentary was a 28-volume product. The 28-volume product is no longer available; it has been replaced by the 27-volume product which removed the […]

Bible Software

NEW! Asia Bible Commentary (6 volumes)

| [email protected]

We are pleased to announce the release of the Asia Bible Commentary, available immediately for the Accordance Bible Software Library. What follows below is from the series preface by Federico G. Villanueva. In recent years, we have witnessed one of the greatest shifts in the history of world Christianity. It used to be that the […]

Bible Software

NEW! Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary

| Richard Mansfield

We are pleased to announced the immediate availability of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary for the Accordance Bible Software Library. Introductory discounted pricing is available for a limited time. From the publisher: Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ-centered approach to […]

Bible Software

NEW! Acts: An Exegetical Commentary (4 volumes) by Craig S. Keener

| Richard Mansfield

If you were only going to purchase one title on Acts… Well, Craig S. Keener may indeed have written “the last and final word” on the Book of Acts for this generation. In print, Acts: An Exegetical Commentary by Keener comes in four volumes for a total of an incredible 4640 pages. This is not […]

Bible Software

NEW! Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible

| Richard Mansfield

Biblical Studies vs. Theology. This was the conflict I was introduced to in seminary. I’m not certain how my professors got along in the faculty lounge, but there was always a subtle rivalry between the departments. My Old and New Testament professors suggested—albeit subtly—that theology, as a discipline (if there even was such a thing), […]

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