Tag: Mounce

Bible Software

New Grammars from Mounce (Greek) & Futato (Hebrew)

| Richard Mansfield

Fall semester is upon us, and scores of students at Bible colleges and seminaries will begin (what will hopefully be) lifelong studies in biblical languages. This week, we are releasing an often-requested introductory Hebrew grammar for Accordance as well as a revision to a standard work for learning biblical Greek. Accordance makes the perfect platform […]

Bible Software

The Latest Word on Lexicons (Pun Intended)

| Richard Mansfield

Did you know lexicon literally means “book of words”? If you use Accordance to study or read the Hebrew Bible or Greek New Testament, you know how valuable a good lexicon can be. I took my first biblical language class in 1992 and assumed at the time that in a few short years, I’d have both […]


Teaching Greek with Accordance and an Apple TV

| David Lang

My wife and I homeschool four of our five children. (At four, Jo Jo hasn’t begun formal schooling yet, although he seems to be learning more than all the rest of us combined.) To satisfy the older kids’ high school language requirement, I’ve been teaching the whole family Greek using Bill Mounce’s Basics of Biblical […]


Basics of Biblical Greek: Remastered

| Rick Bennett

Rewind to Fall 2004: I just decided to register for my first Biblical Greek course in college, and while waiting in line to finalize my registration I ended up talking with a student who was actually taking it for the second time. Naturally, I started to get a little paranoid, wondering if this was a […]


Learning Biblical Greek

| [email protected]

When I was a sophomore in college, I remember going through a Bible study workbook called Men of Faith. One of the most memorable lessons from this workbook was a chapter on the Apostle Peter. This lesson focused on the exchange between Peter and the resurrected Jesus in John 21. In this chapter, Peter has […]


Teaching "Grick" to my Children, Part 2

| David Lang

In my previous post, I explained how I’ve been teaching my children Greek (or “Grick” when I impersonate the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding). After protesting too much that I’m not really one of those overly ambitious homeschool dads, I described how we’re currently learning Mounce’s first noun paradigm chart. This chart covers […]


Teaching "Grick" to my Children

| David Lang

As a homeschool dad, I’ve prided myself on not being one of those fanatical homeschoolers who tries to overdo things: you know, the ones who want their babies to be reading Aristotle, their toddlers to be concert violinists, and their kindergartners to be experts at pre-algebra. I’ve largely succeeded, but I do have a confession […]

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