Tag: Preferences

Bible Software

Accordance–First Run (Lighting the Lamp Video Podcast #134)

| [email protected]

Just purchased Accordance and need to install it? Already have Accordance and want to use the Setup Assistant? If your answer to either of these questions is “Yes,” this podcast is for you. It includes complete instructions for installing Accordance and running it the first time, including using the Setup Assistant. As a bonus, this […]


Powerful Preferences: Workspace Settings

| David Lang

This is the fourth in a series of posts on Accordance preferences. We’ve already covered the General and Appearance settings. Today, we’ll look at the Workspace settings. The first three options all have to do with the look and behavior of workspace zones. The active zone in a workspace is highlighted with a certain color. […]


Powerful Preferences: Appearance Settings

| David Lang

This is the third in a series of posts on Accordance preferences. We’ve already covered the General settings here and here. Today, we’ll look at the Appearance settings. The Appearance preferences present you with a number of broad ways you can change the look of Accordance. While this is not the place to go to […]


Powerful Preferences: More General Settings

| David Lang

This is the second in a series of posts on Accordance preferences. Yesterday we covered some of the General settings. Today, we’ll cover the rest of them. In addition to letting you choose how you want Accordance to start up and what information dialogs you want to have displayed, the General settings let you tweak […]


Powerful Preferences

| David Lang

This past weekend, I taught Accordance training seminars in Washington DC and Williamsburg, Virginia. Both groups included some pretty experienced Accordance users, and their questions prompted me to cover some more in depth aspects of Accordance than I usually get to. One thing I noticed in answering those questions was how much I turned to […]


Tailoring Accordance 10 to Your Personal Tastes

| David Lang

Accordance has always been extremely customizable, but Accordance 10 offers new ways to adjust its look and functionality to your own personal tastes. Here are a few of the new options you should be aware of. Customize your Toolbar: The new toolbar now places a number of features and resources at your fingertips, but you […]


Link the PhotoGuide to the Atlas

| David Lang

Last week, I wrote a couple posts highlighting aspects of our Bible Lands PhotoGuide, the illustrated dictionary of place names included with our Graphics Bundle. Today I want to show you how to make the PhotoGuide more accessible by linking it to the Atlas. When you’re looking at a place name in the Atlas and […]


Linking Atlas and PhotoGuide

| David Lang

Our Graphics Bundle combines our interactive Bible Atlas, Bible Lands PhotoGuide, and interactive Timeline at a significant savings, which is probably why it’s one of our best-selling products. To get the most out of this bundle, I recommend linking the Atlas and PhotoGuide in your preferences. Doing so will enable you to double-click a place […]


When the Trainers Got Trained

| David Lang

If you’ve ever been to an Accordance training seminar, you know it can feel a little like drinking from a firehose. Rest assured that it’s nothing compared to what many of those trainers went through a few years ago. Back then we invited prospective trainers from around the country to come to Orlando for two […]


Accordance 9: Limiting the Number of Zones

| David Lang

In my previous two posts I’ve discussed the new zones feature of Accordance 9. Zones lets you open different kinds of Accordance resources in different areas of your workspace. But what if you find the proliferation of zones to be a little too much? On a 27-inch iMac screen, you can view a half-dozen or […]

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