Save Up to 54% on Zondervan Specials through March 31!
Special sale prices listed below are good through Sunday, March 31, 2019 (11:59 PM EDT) and cannot be combined with any other discounts.
Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Revised) (13 Volumes) Relaunched in 2006, the fully revised EBC features 30 new contributors and more than 60% brand new content. It includes new and revised commentary by leading scholars, including D. A. Carson, Walter C. Kaiser, Andreas Köstenberger, Mark L. Strauss, and more. Solidly evangelical in viewpoint, the new EBC is substantially updated in its discussion of theological and critical issues. Regular Price $459 |
Expositor’s Bible Commentary (12 Volumes) Seventy-eight renowned international evangelical scholars worked for eighteen years on the Gold Medallion Award-winning 12-volume Expositor’s Bible Commentary (EBC) to give you their best! This reference work provides pastors and other Bible students with a comprehensive and scholarly tool for the exposition of the Scriptures, and the teaching and proclamation of their message. Just click — and clear biblical analysis appears side by side with any Bible text. Regular Price $399