Training in Philippines

Last week I had the pleasure of leading an Accordance Training Seminar at the Biblical Seminary of the Philippines. Over half of the students are Chinese, and most of these are from mainland China. My seminar was translated into Mandarin, as many of the students did not understand much English. They were incredibly encouraged to see the Chinese localized version of Accordance, including our Atlas and Timeline translated into Chinese and our Strong’s tagged Chinese Union Version. It was exciting to see their hunger for studying Scripture!

The president of BSOP is Dr. Joseph Shao, who happens to be an avid Accordance user. He told me how many of his students would be returning to China after graduation to teach and preach God’s Word. He was very thankful that they can take Accordance with them, providing them with key tools and resources for their ministries. It’s a great privilege to see Accordance spreading enthusiasm for the Scriptures all around the world!


The Biblical Seminary of the Philippines has posted a webpage with more photos of the recent Accordance Training, which can be viewed here. To see if there is an upcoming Accordance event in your area, please see our Seminars & Shows page.