Eric Lee Welch, self-proclaimed Accordance bird-dog, has apparently been having some fun with our Twitter campaign to encourage people to “Complete the Switch.”

In case you’re not on Twitter or have not been following accordancebible, here are some of the playful exhortations we’ve tweeted so far:

Don’t settle for leeks and onions when you can have milk and honey. Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

Don’t put your hand to the plow and look back. Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

Don’t turn aside from the joy set before you. Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

Don’t be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

You died to Windows, how can you live in it any longer? Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

Do not turn aside to the right or to the left. Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

Go out from Windows and be separate. Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

Do not be unequally yoked with Windows Bible software. Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

Eric and others have retweeted some of these, and we hope others will do the same, but Eric has actually gone so far as to begin writing his own. In response to the tweet about going out from Windows and being separate, Eric reminded us:

Jezebel’s last experience using windows ended in a fatal crash. I bet she wishes she would have completed the switch.

Nicely put. If you know someone whose Bible study is marred by unexpected crashes and color-wheels-of-death requiring force-quits, be sure to encourage them to Complete the Switch. After all, nobody wants to end up like Jezebel!

Even better than his cautionary tale from 2 Kings was Eric’s call to action from the book of Joshua:

“Choose this day whom you will serve… as for me and my mouse…” Complete the Switch to Mac! #macbible

I love it! Eric clearly has a gift, and we hope he’ll keep them coming. If you’ve got a great idea for exhorting people to “Complete the Switch to Mac” by switching to Accordance, we’d encourage you to get in on the act as well.

In fact, some other users are even dreaming up switcher commercials along the lines of Apple’s “Hello, I’m a Mac” ads. Any amateur film-makers out there? 😉