This post continues our look at ministers who use Accordance. If you would like to share your story, please email [email protected].
I work full time at a campus ministry on the University of Kentucky campus, where one of my primary roles is teaching, specifically when it comes to the intellectual side of faith. In addition to that, I am also a full time seminary student at Asbury theological seminary. So I use Accordance in 3 primary ways:
Teaching and Preaching
I commonly get students coming to me and asking me questions about certain sections of scripture–Accordance is incredible in these situations. I can quickly access the best commentaries and dictionaries, as well as the original language. This is enormously helpful for the sometimes obscure questions students can ask about a given text.
My routine is this for any teaching or preaching scenario I find myself in for a text: Preaching preparation user tool–I created a user tool full of great quotes and resources to prepare my heart and soul for communication. This includes scripture, prayer, and quotes. I read the text in different translations. I make user notes along the way that include initial thoughts and notes. I put the text in context, clear up any confusions about certain words or themes found in the text. Then I consult commentaries. Using Evernote, I brainstorm a structure for a sermon and do my writing there. Finally, I copy and paste to a user tool.
I use Accordance whenever possible in seminary. Any of my school books available in accordance I purchase there. It’s extremely helpful for my original languageand exegesis classes.
Personal Study
I read the Bible every morning on Accordance. I use a combo of the New International Version and New Testament for Everyone (NT Wright) for New Testament study. I use the New English Translation and New American Commentary for Old Testament study.
And I’m currently using GNT and BDAG to read through the Sermon on the Mount. Sometimes I’ll also mix in other resources, such as Learning Theology with the Church Fathers.
Derek King
Lead Staff at Christian Student Fellowship
University of Kentucky