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How to Update Content in the LSB App and Accordance for Android & iOS
Every now and then we need to update individual titles in the Accordance Library. Maybe there’s been an update from a publisher. Or perhaps someone found a typo or other mistake and reported it to us. Truly, this is a great advantage over print books: resources in your Accordance Library can be updated as needed and you don’t have to go out and buy the book again!
Recently, we updated the Legacy Standard Bible to include all 66 books of the Bible (the initial release only had the New Testament + Psalms and Proverbs). If you need to update the LSB in Accordance 13, go to the Utilities menu (Windows) or the Accordance menu (macOS) and select Check for Content Updates. And in this month’s newsletter, we will show you how to update content, including the Legacy Standard Bible in your mobile apps for Android and iOS.
In the Android Accordance or LSB app, tap the More button (three horizontal bars) in the top left corner. If you don’t see this icon, tap the screen to bring up the interface. Then select Updates.
Now you should see a listing with every updated title available in your personal Accordance Library. You can touch the box next to each title individually, but there’s an easier way to update everything at once: (1) Tap the Select all icon in the top right that looks like two overlapping boxes. This will select every title available for update. Then, (2) tap the download icon to the right of it to begin your download.
You will see a progress indicator showing your content being downloaded. It’s best not to leave the app while the download occurs. Once completed, you can go to your updated text. In the case of the full Legacy Standard Bible, if you don’t see all books of the Bible, beginning with Genesis, immediately, you might want to force quit the app and relaunch it.
Speaking of the Legacy Standard Bible, if you haven’t already added it to your Accordance Library, you should do so immediately because it won’t be available for free much longer! In this month’s newsletter, we’d like to offer the full Legacy Standard Bible Bundle with Accordance 13 for free! Not only will you get the LSB text and notes, you will also receive the Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Lexicon, Abbot-Smith Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament and a FULL copy of Accordance 13 if you haven’t upgraded yet! Get it now because this incredible opportunity for a free LSB and full install of Accordance 13 won’t be available much longer!