I first heard about Accordance from my former pastor who became a seminary professor. I didn’t even have a Mac at the time, but when I saw Accordance, I wanted to switch to a Mac just to try it!* After making the switch, I used some of the starter packages with Accordance 7-9 and took the plunge in Accordance 10 with the Essential Collection, especially when I knew I was going to get into hardcore original language study.
I now have a sizable library (including Triple Discoverer and Greek Pro), and Accordance is at the heart of my Bible study and original language workflow. I have used Accordance on a Mac and Windows PC (although I use a Mac for my daily machine now), plus Accordance on my iPhone and iPad. Here is my personal take on the “Accordance Advantage”:
Speedy: Accordance is the fastest Bible searching application I’ve ever used. When I need to quickly search the Bible, whether simple or with a complex search, I turn to Accordance to ensure I get the fastest Bible search I can get.
Scripture-centered: When I fire up Accordance, my default Bible is at the heart of my desktop, and all my reference works integrate seamlessly around it. No matter how many reference works I dig into though, Scripture is always at the center of my workflow with Accordance.
Simple: Accordance is refreshingly simple and easy to use. I can take complex searches and tasks and handle them with ease in Accordance. Accordance is so simple and easy to use that I sometimes almost can’t believe how easy it is to accomplish my study tasks!
Stunning: The 3D Bible Atlas, Timeline, and rich media and graphics collections make Accordance a stunning Bible program to use, not just for personal study, but also ideal for teaching.
Scholarly: Accordance has a wealth of excellent original language texts, tools, and scholarly resources, allowing me to get the most out of the best of scholarship in my academic studies.
Support: Accordance has some of the most top-notch customer service and support reps in the industry who have bent over backwards to ensure Accordance continues running smoothly for me and here to assist in the event I need it. Accordance cares about their customers!
Happy 25th anniversary to Accordance! Here’s to the next great twenty-five years and beyond, and for those who haven’t yet embraced the “Accordance Advantage,” now is the ideal time to do so!
Nathan Parker is a PhD student at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth majoring in Systematic Theology.
Want to tell your Accordance 25 Story? Email it to [email protected]. If we use your story, you could get a $25 credit for your next purchase.
*When Nathan first discovered Accordance, we were only available for Macintosh computers. Now, in addition to macOS, Accordance runs on Windows, iOS, and Android devices.