Bible Teacher’s Guide: The Perfections of God – Understanding God’s Characteristics

Prod ID: BTG-Perfections
Available Within a Package

Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.

The Perfections of God is an excerpt and an adaptation from the larger work BTG Theology Proper. It is a study of God’s characteristics including his love, goodness, omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, eternality, wrath, sovereignty, and much more. It can be used as a seven to fifteen-week small-group curriculum depending on how the leader chooses to divide the introduction and the fourteen characteristics.

The Perfections of God: Understanding God’s Characteristics
• Series: The Bible Teacher’s Guide
• Author: Gregory Brown
• Publisher: Bible Teacher’s Guide (BTG Publishing) (2015)

Where to Find

Bible Teacher's Guide: The Perfections of God - Understanding God’s Characteristics is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
CommentariesBTG_21Bible Teacher’s Guide Series Bundle (21 Volumes)49.95


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