Four Views on Eternal Security / May 01, 2002
See this summary article for a summary of the Counterpoints series and a list of individual volumes.
There are 35 volumes available from this series and are available in the following products:
- A 16-Volume Set (Release 1)
- An 11-Volume Set (Release 2)
- The 8-Volume Set (Release 3)
- Thirty-five individual volumes are also available.
In this book, four writers explain and defend their approaches to perseverance in salvation from the vantage point of Classical Calvinism, Moderate Calvinism, Reformed Arminianism, and Wesleyan-Arminianism, and each writer responds to the other views.
Does the Bible support the concept of ‘once saved, always saved,’ or can a person lose his or her salvation? How do the Scriptures portray the complex interplay between grace and free will?
These and related questions are explored from different angles in this thought-provoking Counterpoints volume. The contributors each state their case for one of four prominent views on eternal security: classical Calvinist, moderate Calvinist, reformed Arminian, and Wesleyan Arminian. In keeping with the forum approach of the Counterpoints series, each view is first presented by its proponent, then critiqued and defended. This fair and respectful approach allows you to weigh for yourself the strengths and weaknesses of the different doctrinal stances. By furnishing you with scholarly and thoughtful perspectives on the topic of eternal security, this book helps you sift through opposing views to arrive at your own informed conclusions.
The Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views on issues important to Christians. Counterpoints books address two categories: Church Life and Bible and Theology. Complete your library with other books in the Counterpoints series.
Four Views on Eternal Security
• Series: Counterpoints – Bible and Theology
• Series Editor: Stanley N. Gundry
• General Editor: J. Matthew Pinson
• Contributors: Michael S. Horton, Norman L. Geisler, Stephen M. Ashby, J. Steven Harper
• Publisher: Zondervan (released 10/11/11)
Product Details
- Publish Date: May 1, 2002
- ISBN: 9780310493464
- # of Pages: 304
- Categories: Theology
Where to Find
Four Views on Eternal Security is included with the following packages
Category | Code | Title | Price |
Theology | Views-11 Counterpoints | 11 Volumes of the Zondervan Counterpoints Series (Release #2) | 225.89 |
Theology | Views-11 Counterpoints-sp | 11 Volumes of the Zondervan Counterpoints Series – Special Offer | 198.89 |
Theology | Counterpoints-Christian Living | Zondervan Counterpoints Series: Christian Living Bundle (5 Volumes) | 96.95 |
Theology | Views-27 Counterpoints-sp | 27 Volumes of the Zondervan Counterpoints Series – Special Offer | 489.99 |
Add-on Bundles | All-in-All 1Q15 | All-in-All Accordance Program (1st Quarter 2015) | 15999.00 |
Add-on Bundles | All-in-All 2Q15 | All-in-All Accordance Program (2nd Quarter 2015) | 16999.00 |
Add-on Bundles | All-in-All 3Q15 | All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2015) | 18699.00 |
Add-on Bundles | All-in-All 4Q15 | All-in-All Accordance Program (4th Quarter 2015) | 19999.00 |
Add-on Bundles | All-in-All 1Q16 | All-in-All Accordance Program (1st Quarter 2016) | 21249.00 |
Add-on Bundles | All-in-All 3Q16 | All-in-All Accordance Program (3rd Quarter 2016) | 23999.00 |
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