Looking for a fresh perspective on Luke’s Gospel? You’ll find it in this addition to the NICNT. Green’s incisive analysis explores Luke’s use of narrative genre, the narrative unity linking Luke’s Gospel with Acts, and the question of authorship to give you a solid framework for understanding the cultural and spiritual influences that shaped this pivotal New Testament work.
“The present commentary… is different from most Synoptic commentaries in its approach to the evangelist Luke, showing very little concern for traditional form-critical and redaction-critical issues. Professor Green is fully aware of these matters, but leaves the reader to consult other commentaries for their details. His concern, and it is a refreshing and exciting concern, is that the reader capture Luke’s narrative of Jesus on its own right. Here at last is a commentary on Luke that tries to help the reader to see how the narrative “works,” how Luke’s own obvious concerns drive the narrative from beginning to end (including Acts), how one should read Luke as its first reader would have read it without cross-referencing to Matthew or Mark. Thus I am pleased to commend this superb reading of Luke to both the primary audience of the series the working pastor and teacher, as well as students and its secondary audience in the academy.” —Gordon D. Fee, Series Editor
NICNT: The Gospel of Luke, by Joel B. Green / January 01, 1997
For more information, see this NICNT article and this review by Brian W. Davidson.
Save more with the entire NT set.
Looking for a fresh perspective on Luke’s Gospel? You’ll find it in this addition to the NICNT. Green’s incisive analysis explores Luke’s use of narrative genre, the narrative unity linking Luke’s Gospel with Acts, and the question of authorship to give you a solid framework for understanding the cultural and spiritual influences that shaped this pivotal New Testament work.
“The present commentary… is different from most Synoptic commentaries in its approach to the evangelist Luke, showing very little concern for traditional form-critical and redaction-critical issues. Professor Green is fully aware of these matters, but leaves the reader to consult other commentaries for their details. His concern, and it is a refreshing and exciting concern, is that the reader capture Luke’s narrative of Jesus on its own right. Here at last is a commentary on Luke that tries to help the reader to see how the narrative “works,” how Luke’s own obvious concerns drive the narrative from beginning to end (including Acts), how one should read Luke as its first reader would have read it without cross-referencing to Matthew or Mark. Thus I am pleased to commend this superb reading of Luke to both the primary audience of the series the working pastor and teacher, as well as students and its secondary audience in the academy.” —Gordon D. Fee, Series Editor
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