Peshitta Add-on: Peshitta (Syriac) OT, NT & Gospels

Prod ID: Peshitta add-on
Retail: $248.90 / Accordance: $179.00

This Peshitta package can be added to any Accordance Collection.  It includes the tagged OT Peshitta, the tagged NT Peshitta, and additional Syriac Gospels (untagged). The English Translation of the NT, and the NT Syriac transcribed in Aramaic are also included.

Included Modules

The following modules and groups are included when you purchase this package.

Category Code Title Price
Hebrew BiblesPESHNT-TNew Testament Peshitta99.90
Hebrew BiblesPESHOT-TOld Testament Peshitta149.00
Accessory ModulesPESHNT-EPESHNT-EN/A
Accessory ModulesSYRIAC-CSYRIAC-CN/A
Accessory ModulesSYRIAC-SSYRIAC-SN/A
Accessory ModulesPESHOT1-TPESHOT1-TN/A
Accessory ModulesPESHOT2-TPESHOT2-TN/A


  1. (verified owner) Benjamin Noonan

    I’m once again very grateful to Accordance for investing and developing key text-based resources like this one. This edition in Accordance is the only tagged edition of the Peshitta that I’m aware of. It includes both the Old and New Testaments, including deuterocanonical books like Tobit. This is an important resource for those who study and teach Syriac as well as for those interested in textual criticism.

  2. (verified owner) Accordance Enthusiast

    Generally great, but the text is not tagged with roots, so you can’t search it as well as the Hebrew OT texts. Also, the texts are not cross-tagged with the Hebrew OT or Greek NT, so cross-textual searching is not possible, and the corresponding words won’t highlight between the Syriac and Hebrew/Greek when you hover over a certain word.

  3. (verified owner) Accordance Enthusiast

    Missing a Text Critical Apparatus. It is sorry that this is not currently included for any of the OT nor NT modules.

  4. (verified owner) Accordance Enthusiast

    The tagging is sometimes different in the OT and NT modules, in the spelling of the lexical form. For example, in the Peshitta NT we find the lexeme “ܚܣܝܐ”, but if I search for this word in the Peshitta OT, it finds nothing. It turns out that in the Peshitta OT the exact same word is tagged with the lexical form being “ܚܣܝ” (without the determinate/definite particle at the end). This is a general issue with multiple examples. E.g. “ܩܕܝܫܐ” vs. “ܩܕܝܫ” and “ܚܟܝܡܐ” vs. “ܚܟܝܡ”, etc. This issue in tagging makes the Peshitta OT and NT modules inefficient for the great features of Accordance like Right-click > Search in > Peshitta OT, because often it won’t find anything until you switch to the different style of marking lexemes. Unitless the taggin of the OT and NT modules are brought into harmony, cross-textual searching will not work well.

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