Studies in Dogmatics: Faith and Justification (Berkouwer) / January 21, 1954

Prod ID: GCB-Justification / Pub. W. B. Eerdmans Publishing / Author:
Retail: $23.50 / Accordance: $17.99

Requires Accordance 11.2 or above.

Faith and Justification is the first volume of Berkouwer’s Studies in Dogmatics.

Concerned with Luther’s great doctrine of Justification by Faith, Professor Berkouwer includes in his study the theories of both the dialectical and Roman Catholic theologians, as well as the developments in the so-called Luther renaissance. He discusses in turn the theories of Luther and Calvin, Bohl, Osiander and Newman, Kohlbrugge and Kuyper, and Barth and Brunner, and weighs all that is relevant to the way of salvation. Berkouwer does not search primarily for a logical synthesis, and a finished proposition. He is rather concerned with the living relationship between God and man, depending upon attentiveness to the Word of revelation for the purity and clarity, as well as the relevance, of this study. Like the other studies already published in this series, this book is reasoned, penetrating, and carries forward the great vitality of the Reformation.

About the Series

In this series rooted in the normative significance of Scripture, noted Dutch theologian G. C. Berkouwer examines great doctrines of the Reformed faith, developing and defending Reformed theology through interaction with a wide range of theologies and theologians.

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Where to Find

Studies in Dogmatics: Faith and Justification (Berkouwer) is included with the following packages

Category Code Title Price
Add-on BundlesBerkouwer-Dogmatics BundleBerkouwer’s Studies in Dogmatics (14 vols.)124.99


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