About Job 1-20 (Volume 17):
Cline’s masterful exposition of Job consistently maintains an alertness to both the windings of its arguments and the theological problem it raises, which is the conflict of faith and experience. Let Cline guide you through what he sees as the “most theologically and intellectually intense book of the Old Testament.” Gain a measure of Cline’s appreciation for the craftsmanship inherent in Job, as he looks at how its author ties together metaphor and theology in a “perenially uplifting and not infrequently euphoric experience.”
About Job 21-37 (Volume 18A):
The book of Job has been hailed as a literary masterpiece. Yet it poses one of the most difficult literary problems in the Old Testament: how to understand the order of speeches and speakers from chapters 26 through 37. In this second volume of his commentary on Job, Professor David J. A. Clines addresses the problem directly with a sweeping proposal. He argues that chapter 26 continues Bildad’s speech from the previous chapter. Job’s ninth speech is shorter than usually recognized, only 27:1-6, 11-12. Clines finds Zophar’s missing third speech in 27:7-10, 13-17; 24:18-24; and 27:18-23, thus completing the last cycle of speeches by the three friends. Finally, Professor Clines solves the mystery of the wisdom poem in chapter 28 by crediting it to Elihu and showing that it should follow Elihu’s other four speeches (chaps. 32-37) as their climax. This new reconstruction allows Job’s final speeches (29:1-31:40) to end the cycle and lead into God’s response (chaps. 38-41). Through it all, Professor Clines guides readers through the intricacies of Job’s language as well as the sweep of the book’s theology. He concisely summarizes the views of other commentators, but also notes the choices that readers can and must make in order to evaluate Job’s honesty and judge the character of one of the most vivid personalities in biblical literature.
About Job 38-42 (Volume 18B): Volume 18B is devoted entirely to the response of the Lord from the tempest to Job, together with the replies of Job (Job 38–42), presenting the Lord’s own explanation of his manifold purposes in creation and bringing to an unexpected conclusion Job’s dramatic quest for justice.
Difficult portions of the Hebrew text are thoroughly handled, but the commentary is written for the non-technical reader and scholar alike. Clines uncovers the driving force of the argument and the drama of the book. The Explanation sections at the end of each chapter brilliantly summarize the views of the speakers and offer thoughtful reflections on their theological value.
Job 1-20 (Volume 17) by David J. A. Clines (1989)
Job 21-37 (Volume 18a) by David J. A. Clines (2006)
Job 38-42 (Volume 18b) by David J. A. Clines (2011)
About this Series:
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
The WBC is the best-selling multi-volume commentary series in the market today. WBC authors are all experts in their field and skillfully bring the text to meaning through careful exegesis and exposition. Each WBC contributor creates his own translation based on the best texts and literature available. The WBC has the largest bibliography available.
In addition to this volume, Word Biblical Commentary is available in the following formats:
WBC: Job 1-20, 21-37, 38-42 (Word Biblical Commentary): WBC: Volumes 17, 18A, 18B /
Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.
For more details on this series, see this list of volumes.
About Job 1-20 (Volume 17):
Cline’s masterful exposition of Job consistently maintains an alertness to both the windings of its arguments and the theological problem it raises, which is the conflict of faith and experience. Let Cline guide you through what he sees as the “most theologically and intellectually intense book of the Old Testament.” Gain a measure of Cline’s appreciation for the craftsmanship inherent in Job, as he looks at how its author ties together metaphor and theology in a “perenially uplifting and not infrequently euphoric experience.”
About Job 21-37 (Volume 18A):
The book of Job has been hailed as a literary masterpiece. Yet it poses one of the most difficult literary problems in the Old Testament: how to understand the order of speeches and speakers from chapters 26 through 37. In this second volume of his commentary on Job, Professor David J. A. Clines addresses the problem directly with a sweeping proposal. He argues that chapter 26 continues Bildad’s speech from the previous chapter. Job’s ninth speech is shorter than usually recognized, only 27:1-6, 11-12. Clines finds Zophar’s missing third speech in 27:7-10, 13-17; 24:18-24; and 27:18-23, thus completing the last cycle of speeches by the three friends. Finally, Professor Clines solves the mystery of the wisdom poem in chapter 28 by crediting it to Elihu and showing that it should follow Elihu’s other four speeches (chaps. 32-37) as their climax. This new reconstruction allows Job’s final speeches (29:1-31:40) to end the cycle and lead into God’s response (chaps. 38-41). Through it all, Professor Clines guides readers through the intricacies of Job’s language as well as the sweep of the book’s theology. He concisely summarizes the views of other commentators, but also notes the choices that readers can and must make in order to evaluate Job’s honesty and judge the character of one of the most vivid personalities in biblical literature.
About Job 38-42 (Volume 18B):
Volume 18B is devoted entirely to the response of the Lord from the tempest to Job, together with the replies of Job (Job 38–42), presenting the Lord’s own explanation of his manifold purposes in creation and bringing to an unexpected conclusion Job’s dramatic quest for justice.
Difficult portions of the Hebrew text are thoroughly handled, but the commentary is written for the non-technical reader and scholar alike. Clines uncovers the driving force of the argument and the drama of the book. The Explanation sections at the end of each chapter brilliantly summarize the views of the speakers and offer thoughtful reflections on their theological value.
About this Series:
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
The WBC is the best-selling multi-volume commentary series in the market today. WBC authors are all experts in their field and skillfully bring the text to meaning through careful exegesis and exposition. Each WBC contributor creates his own translation based on the best texts and literature available. The WBC has the largest bibliography available.
In addition to this volume, Word Biblical Commentary is available in the following formats:
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