About Jeremiah 1-25 (Volume 26):
This volume of the Word Biblical Commentary series is a fitting tribute to the renowned Bible scholar Dr. Peter Craigie. At the time of his death Dr. Craigie had completed his analysis of the Book of Jeremiah through the third verse of Chapter 8. His colleagues picked up his pen and, having divided the task among themselves, completed the manuscript, following the same format Dr. Craigie had established in the early chapters. The result is a unique commentary, a volume launched by the distinct and well-informed perspective of Dr. Craigie’s scholarship, but at the same time a volume enriched by the combined insights of other experts in this genre of biblical writing. Dr. Page Kelley penned the critical commentary from 8:4 through Chapter 16, and then passed the baton to Dr. Joel Drinkard, who carried the work through Chapter 25. Dr. Gerald Keown provided and updated and expanded bibliography. Dr. Gerald Morris added a list of ancient commentaries. Dr. Thomas Smothers contributed the essay, “The Historical Background of Jeremiah.”
About Jeremiah 26-52 (Volume 27):
Few books of the Old Testament have attracted more scholarly attention in recent decades than the prophetic writings of Jeremiah. In this concluding volume, the authors help you understand the power of Jeremiah’s book by revealing the chaos of his world. In a time of radical change, Jeremiah saw beyond the immediate historical events and sought to convey the long-term change that was occurring in both the history of the kingdom of God and God’s ultimate plan for the world.
Jeremiah 1-25 (Volume 26) by Peter C. Craigie, Page H. Kelley, and Joel F. Drinkard, Jr. (1991)
Jeremiah 26-52 (Volume 26) by Gerald L. Keown, Pamela J. Scalise, and Thomas G. Smothers (1995)
About this Series:
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
The WBC is the best-selling multi-volume commentary series in the market today. WBC authors are all experts in their field and skillfully bring the text to meaning through careful exegesis and exposition. Each WBC contributor creates his own translation based on the best texts and literature available. The WBC has the largest bibliography available.
In addition to this volume, Word Biblical Commentary is available in the following formats:
WBC: Jeremiah 1-25 and 26-52 (Word Biblical Commentary): WBC: Volumes 26 and 27 /
Requires Accordance 10.4 or above.
For more details on this series, see this list of volumes.
About Jeremiah 1-25 (Volume 26):
This volume of the Word Biblical Commentary series is a fitting tribute to the renowned Bible scholar Dr. Peter Craigie. At the time of his death Dr. Craigie had completed his analysis of the Book of Jeremiah through the third verse of Chapter 8. His colleagues picked up his pen and, having divided the task among themselves, completed the manuscript, following the same format Dr. Craigie had established in the early chapters. The result is a unique commentary, a volume launched by the distinct and well-informed perspective of Dr. Craigie’s scholarship, but at the same time a volume enriched by the combined insights of other experts in this genre of biblical writing. Dr. Page Kelley penned the critical commentary from 8:4 through Chapter 16, and then passed the baton to Dr. Joel Drinkard, who carried the work through Chapter 25. Dr. Gerald Keown provided and updated and expanded bibliography. Dr. Gerald Morris added a list of ancient commentaries. Dr. Thomas Smothers contributed the essay, “The Historical Background of Jeremiah.”
About Jeremiah 26-52 (Volume 27):
Few books of the Old Testament have attracted more scholarly attention in recent decades than the prophetic writings of Jeremiah. In this concluding volume, the authors help you understand the power of Jeremiah’s book by revealing the chaos of his world. In a time of radical change, Jeremiah saw beyond the immediate historical events and sought to convey the long-term change that was occurring in both the history of the kingdom of God and God’s ultimate plan for the world.
About this Series:
The Word Biblical Commentary delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars of our day who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation. This series emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence. The result is judicious and balanced insight into the meanings of the text in the framework of biblical theology. These widely acclaimed commentaries serve as exceptional resources for the professional theologian and instructor, the seminary or university student, the working minister, and everyone concerned with building theological understanding from a solid base of biblical scholarship.
The WBC is the best-selling multi-volume commentary series in the market today. WBC authors are all experts in their field and skillfully bring the text to meaning through careful exegesis and exposition. Each WBC contributor creates his own translation based on the best texts and literature available. The WBC has the largest bibliography available.
In addition to this volume, Word Biblical Commentary is available in the following formats:
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