Tag: Repeated Words


Finding Repeated Words in a Passage, Part 5

| David Lang

This week we’ve been discussing the interpretive value of looking for repeated words in a passage of Scripture, and I’ve been showing how to do this using Accordance’s highlighting tools and other shortcuts. Going through a passage inductively and highlighting like that is a great way to discover key words in context, but it takes […]


Finding Repeated Words in a Passage, Part 4

| David Lang

This week we’ve been discussing the interpretive value of looking for repeated words in a passage of Scripture, and I’ve been showing how to do this using Accordance’s highlighting tools and other shortcuts. Yesterday, I showed how, having noticed a repeated word, you can quickly search for other occurrences of that word and highlight the […]


Finding Repeated Words in a Passage, Part 3

| David Lang

This week we’ve been discussing how finding repeated words in a passage can make you aware of its major themes and motifs. On Monday, I showed how to use Accordance’s highlighting tool to highlight key words so you can begin to notice patterns. Yesterday we applied this method to 2 Samuel 11, highlighting every mention […]


Finding Repeated Words in a Passage, Part 2

| David Lang

Yesterday I described how you can use Accordance’s highlighting feature to mark key words in a passage. Using different highlight colors for different key words enables you to see clearly which words and concepts are oft-repeated, which in turn can help you identify important themes or motifs. Today I want to show you how this […]


Finding Repeated Words in a Passage, Part 1

| David Lang

Whether you’re a pastor, scholar, or inductive Bible study afficionado, one of the best ways to identify key ideas or themes in a passage is to look for repeated words and concepts. One way to do this is by going through the text and highlighting key words in various colors. Then you can easily see […]

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